Saturday, December 11, 2010

4/14/1941 Gladys Dahlstrom to Sadie Erwin

Dear Folks,

Excuse the fancy stationery but my paper is in the bedroom and Ruthie is asleep so I will just scribble a note on this.

Today is nice and warm again. The grass is getting green fast now.

Cully just finished putting the wheels on the trailer and has it all ready to go. I’m getting things lined up to go. We just have today and tomorrow as we are leaving early Wednesday morning. I haven’t called or seen Woodfills and have skipped many others but we just haven’t the time for everyone. I did stop to say hello to the Bushes the day I went to St. Paul. They are fine. Harriet is coming along swell too.

Alice Steene – Irv’s wife, died yesterday morning. She has been real sick for about a month. I guess she didn’t want to live either.

I went to the dentist Friday and am going back this afternoon to finish up. I had two cavities.I don’t know just when we will reach Los Angeles but we expect to be there a couple of days so if you wanted to write us you can send it General Delivery. I will send you cards along the way. We plan to drive to New Orleans – then to Lerado, Texas and down into Mexico as far as Monterrey and perhaps to Mexico City, depending on how we feel when we get there. We will leave our trailer and load in Texas.

We will stay at Muriel’s one day and also plan to spend at least one day at Uncle Perry’s. I will send them a card after we get started. Wally is at Camp Haan. It is supposed to be near Los Angeles.

Well, I will close but will write more soon – on the road.

Love to all,


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