Tuesday, October 21, 2008

755 12/14/1928 Sadie Erwin to Albert Erwin

Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Friday, December 14, 1928
Albert Erwin
2206 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota

My dear Albert,
Your Sunday night letter came today. We certainly enjoy your letters so don’t stop writing. As you mention the different places, I can see them just as they looked this past Fall.
I washed today. It was 50° above by noon but the clothes did not dry so I have the house full of wet clothes. I am so glad Mrs. Truax is helping you out with your laundry. You will find you will never lose by being fair about the electricity.
The girls came home for lunch again today.
I have lost 5# since you went away so only weigh 138# now. I am not trying to diet either, just lost my appetite. I don’t want to lose much more, my legs look like Mrs. Kraus’s.
George came up tonight. We did not expect him until tomorrow but was glad to see him and he acts as though he is glad to be here. He brought his Sax and he, Gladys and Helen have been playing all the evening. It sounds fine.
George will work at the wood tomorrow. Get the Christmas tree and look after the Ford battery.
I have been thinking that maybe Mr. Stewart would give you two weeks vacation in June, then you could come west for us. That thought keeps coming to me but I am not ___, and try to let each day unfold for us.
After talking to Charles Dahlin, doesn’t it make you feel grateful for C. S. and all it has done for us? Yesterday Gladys felt punk. This morning she felt some better, wanted to go to school. She went and I promised to work for her. Tonight she feels fine, not a sign of cold or soreness.
Jimmie is making something at school for my Christmas. He has not told me what it is, always says it is a secret. I think he has done fine to keep it the way he has for he tells everything else he knows.
Gladys and George remember the young fellow Dahlin told you of. He was with the White River Lumber Co., here, then went East. Gladys said she had forgotten where he went but rather recalls it was Minnesota. Frank Shearer is his name. She has danced with him a good many times.
We must be thinking along the same lines. So often when you ask about or mention anything, I have just written before I get your letter the answer to it. In Gladys letter she told you about Ted Mullen. They have been writing notes in school about his calling you up when he gets to Minneapolis.
His time is short there but when he calls you, you can arrange to see him if possible. I think he must live out
[I can’t find the rest of this letter.]

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