Thursday, October 15, 2009

6/6/1997 Mary Lowry to Jim Carlson

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the Enneagram computer information! Of course I am the real expert, so I disagree with him on some items.

Diane will be in D.C. July 9-14 but has to come back right after. She has some free time in there so hopes she can get together with you for lunch. We’ll let you know more about here schedule later.

Dad is in a new Adult Day Care which I think is working out better for him. They have a quieter, more structured program. He rides the bus to and from the center. When they have an opening we go to 5 days a week.

I bought a wonderful vegetarian cookbook and have been preparing some delicious meals! Too bad you won’t be here longer, to taste some.

Bye for now. Love, Mary
P.S., Enclosed is Felix check.

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