Wednesday, October 29, 2008

362 12/4/1938 Sadie Erwin to Helen Erwin

Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Sunday, December 04, 1938
Helen Erwin
5201 28th Ave South, Minneapolis, Minnesota

My dear Helen,
This won’t be much of a letter but will let you know we are thinking of you. I am enclosing Gladys’s last two letters. You may return them some time when your letters are not too heavy so you will not have to pay extra postage. I like to keep them.
Jimmie is out to Vivian’s tonight studying with her. He took her to the show last night. He did not go up skiing today but stayed in bed until 1 P.M. Has been practicing at school every evening and playing a lot of basketball too so I just let him sleep until we had dinner all ready.
Mr. Clemeyer, Mrs. Radcliffe’s father, passed on Friday evening. The funeral is tomorrow afternoon.
Don’t you care what Gladys thinks about your coat. I think they are doing a lot more for 20.00 than many fur shops would do. When will you be able to get it? Our weather has warmed up so it is just balmy and nice although we do have some rain. Had a very hard wind storm Friday, or guess it was Thursday. Can’t remember. The following day was like summer was so warm and sunny.
Do hope Wally is feeling better. These young husbands have plenty to worry about when they have coal to buy and rent to pay. It takes a lot of money to live these days. Do you find it hard living out so far? It is nice being with friends, though. Much love, Mother.
Papa and I went for a ride over to Buckley this afternoon.

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