Sunday, November 30, 2008

123 9/27/1947 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
3409 Fremont Ave. South, Minneapolis 8, Minnesota
Saturday, September 27, 1947
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
I didn't get a letter written to you all week so will see if I can't get a few lines written now. I had a nice letter from you yesterday. You are still having to work hard at the store and it is too bad you don't feel good every so often, Mother, but I suppose you wear yourself out at the store. I had a nice letter from Ruth last week and she certainly is happy with her new house. I know just about exactly where it is. They certainly got a bargain it sounds like. She said you had taken her to a show one night.
Today Washington is playing Minnesota and we are listening to the game although I had a nap with Mary the first half. It is rainy and miserable out so we are glad we didn't buy tickets although we both wanted to go. I also had to wash clothes this morning and the sheets are out on the line but I hung the rest in the basement. That was terrible, someone stealing Pop's socks off the line. I wonder if it was any of the people next door.
Monday I will be starting my third week of work and it doesn't seem possible. I am getting along just fine and enjoy being back at work. The children don't seem to mind at all, although Mary usually says in the morning she doesn't want me to go but she doesn't fuss about it and they have a good time during the day. I thought whenever the children got so they really hated me to work I would quit but I certainly hope I can keep on until we move into our house. Monday I get my first check. I think I told you I will be getting a hundred twenty five a month and I am on the permanent payroll so I will get paid for holidays. At Christmas time last year they all got a month's paycheck for a bonus. I sure would love to get in on that. I pay Florence eleven dollars a week which takes a big lump out of my check but it is still worth it to me. Last week I bought Jimmy a jacket to wear now and then I bought him a wonderful winter jacket. It is all fur-lined and has a hood to it that is also fur-lined. The hood can be folded into a collar when he doesn't need it. He can't possible get cold in it. Then I will get him the snow pants a little later. The jacket cost 16 dollars which seems pretty reasonable considering prices now. I do most of my shopping now at Donaldson's because our office is right in back of it. We are on 7th and Marquette and we just have to go through the bank which is connected right onto Donaldson's, just across the street from the office. Yes, the location is different. We used to be in the Chamber of Commerce on 4th and 4th.

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