Sunday, November 23, 2008

610 6/4/1944 Albert Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Albert Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington
Sunday, June 04, 1944
Sadie Erwin
1414 Cole St., Lake Charles, Louisiana

Dear Sadie & Helen and family.
I have just finished writing Jim a long letter, so will write you folks. I mowed the lawn this afternoon, split kindling and also some wood. I thought that I would get some of the hedge trimmed but decided to put it off.
I will be going to the Benson’s for dinner about 5 PM and want to mail my letters at that time.
Sadie did you get a letter from Mrs. Fran Jensen and did you hear from Bob Jensen. Have you done anything about your berth for your return trip.
It’s too bad that it is so hot down there. I have a fire in the heating stove every evening and had one all morning today. I went to bed around 9 last evening and got up at 6 this morning, had my breakfast, read the lesson and then the paper. Stella called about 11:30, said she was making waffles so I went over and had a couple.
Harold worked yesterday and then had to work the swing shift. He drove his car last night and ran out of gas just a little this side of where he turns off the highway to go to the mill. He called Stella and she called me and we went up after the car. Harold will get some gas from his mother and says he will get a gallon for me on account of helping them out.
Our roses are blooming in great shape. I brought a bunch over to the folks next door today. We will have a lot of cherries, pears and prunes. I guess I tell you that in every letter.
We had a light frost the morning of June 1st. I don’t think that it did any harm.
Your trip to Knoxville should be nice but warm. I wonder if you can make it in two days.
I always thought that Helen lived in a sort of garage apartment, but I guess she did for a short time at Monroe. It makes a lot of extra steps to have to go to the basement to wash. Has Elmer got a house picked out yet.
Our paper girl caught me home the other night. She is Mrs. Sprouse’s daughter. She certainly has grown up in the last two years. The paper cost me $1.15. Is that more than you have been paying.
I received a letter from Gladys. They have bought a brick house (bungalow). They are 12 miles from downtown. It takes Cully 25 minutes to get to work. They live two blocks from the Rock Island depot. I won’t say any more about their place. Gladys no doubt will write you soon.
Yes you had better give the Thims Jim’s address although they may have moved. I saw Bob Thim a week ago and he said that Jack would be going to sea soon.
It was nice of that soldier boy to let you know that he came out ok.
Jackie Woodruff is in England. He was out here on the West Coast after we heard from Jim the last time. Stella just phoned. She has been talking to Ben Howe and he said that no one was getting any mail from England now, all being held until the invasion gets started.
Leo would be fine as a lead man but they don’t want to make a change now. It was a mistake about Leo going out with that girl, it was another Leo. He is a married man also.
Work is getting very slack now in the sheet metal department so they are having a bunch each week take their vacation. They will get their pay in the fall when the vacation comes due. I don’t think that Dan will ask me to take mine until one of the last ones. I hope so anyway.
I have Jenson’s bill, also the water and garbage but haven’t received the phone bill as yet. I will take care of them.
Tomorrow I must take some shoes down to be fixed.
It was 4 PM when Stella called. She has been talking to neighbors all afternoon so didn’t have her roast on yet. I don’t feel hungry so told her I wouldn’t be over. Harold is going to the show to see Wallace Beery in Rationing. I may go with him.
I am glad that you gave me some things to read, also other things you mentioned. I am sure they will help me. Sometimes I feel so terrible that I think that I can’t stand it any longer, but I work on it and get help that way and your working must help also. It’s a good thing that you are not here because if you were I would feel so bad for myself that I wouldn’t be able to work. So it will all work out fine. Of course I don’t mean that you are to stay away all the time.
Well I will stop now and bath and shave and get my letters in the mail.
Love, Pop

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