Wednesday, December 3, 2008

211 9/11/1950 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota
Monday, September 11, 1950
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks:
The kids are in bed so I will get a few lines off to you. I talked to Frances Woodfill today and she said her father left for Seattle this last Saturday. Have you seen him yet. Hazel and Henry came to Minneapolis but went on to Michigan. I guess Hazel seems to be pretty good now.
Jimmy and Mary are glad to be back in school. Mary gets a little homesick being gone all day but she'll get over that.
We will have to turn on our heat soon as the weather is getting cold. It rained all day today.
Tuesday Night
It rained all day again today. I hope the sun is out tomorrow so I can wash. With no heat on it takes all week for the clothes to dry in the basement.
Tonight we went over to the school to vote. It took an hour and a half as they had the voting machines and they were new to everyone and evidently some of the people didn't pay any attention to the sample machine as some of them took ages.
I just saw something maddening in the paper. It said Religious classes will start next week in the Minneapolis schools for those who wish to attend. In addition to Protestant classes there will also be Roman Catholic and Christian Science classes. I wish I knew who to write to or call so I could inform them that Christian Scientists are also Protestants.
I have your birthday present ready to mail, mother, and hope to get it sent tomorrow. It isn't much but too bad it had to be late. I had better stop for now so I'll be sure and mail this in the morning.
Love, Helen

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