Thursday, December 4, 2008

738 5/12/1951 Sadie Erwin to Helen Carlson

Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington
Saturday, May 12, 1951
Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota

Dear Helen & Stella,
I’ll start a letter to you tonight and add to it as I can. A nice letter from each of you came this afternoon, then just before I went up to the store late this afternoon your Mother’s Day wire was telephoned to me from Tacoma. Many thanks to you both.
It rained here today off and on. Hope we have a nice day tomorrow. I went up to the store this morning and worked until about three o’clock, then back there again this evening.
I think it is wonderful the baby has been spared. If God was with you girls the night he seemed to be passing on, He certainly can take care of him the rest of the way.
Ducts in his liver is not his life. God is his life. It has been proven once, and there is no doubt of the perfect healing for him in our minds. It was grand you two girls could stand so firm in the face of death. You must have a better foundation in C. S. than you realized.
That Tuesday night after talking with you, Stella, I called Gladys. She was out. I did not wait long before calling Miss Auld. She said she would go right to work on life. Said she had been restless that evening. Sort of waiting for something. Said it must have been my call. She is also working for him to be perfect in every way. That same evening Gladys felt uneasy and had tried early in the evening to get me. She called right after I talked to Miss Auld. She and Cully both worked for Davy that night. Cully kept saying, “that little guy must live and get well when we all are working and praying for him.” Cully has a lot of faith in C. S. and tries to apply it the best he knows how.
We know this is costing a lot of money, Helen. Papa and I feel we can loan you at least $1000.00 if you want it. You can pay us when ever you can spare it. If you want to you can allow us 3% interest. That is more than we get by leaving it in the bank. Let me know right away how much you need and I’ll send you a check. You do not owe us a thing for telephone calls. Just forget about that. We wanted to hear quickly about Davy. Gladys has already given me 4.00 and would give me more if I wanted it.
We all are so glad Stella went back just at the time she did. Another proof of divine Love’s care for you back there.
Sandra is a sweet girl. Nothing naughty about her. Hope she is having a good time, and I am sure the children enjoy having her there.
Harold was up to the store last night just before we closed. Said he was writing to you Stella about the car he has lined up for you to drive home. He gave me the address of the company you are to get the car from, in case you should call before getting his letter. Said for you to contact them right away. He wants you to stay long enough to see some friends and not to feel hurried. Hoped you could play some golf. After leaving the store he went over to Jim’s.
I saw Bernice, Friday. She and the Lane girl were going past the store. Flash was with them. Both girls were on Bernice’s horse going out after Virginia’s horse. I talked to Belle one day last week. They seem to be getting along fine. Hope you have heard from them. Harold spoke as though he had written several times. Maybe he forgot to mail his letters.
Madeline’s sister, Mrs. Leaf, was in the store last night. Said Madeline was having a wonderful time in Dakota. Expected to return to Minneapolis to come home with you, Stella.
Monday night
I could not finish this after talking with you, Stella, yesterday morning. We all felt that Davy would live for we certainly declared life for him many times. Later a sense of peace came over me and I knew he was living, only we wanted to hear the good word from you folks.
We were very busy at the store yesterday. It wasn’t really a nice day although it did not rain. It was cloudy much of the time and a cold wind blew in the morning. We kept waiting to hear from you. Jim called the operator to have all my house calls transferred to the store. Then when evening came we realized it was hard to get a call thru when Harold’s call was delayed from 8 to 10 hours. He was to let me know when his call went thru, but must have thought it too late last night to call me. I called Gladys right away this A. M. after talking with you. She said she would call Grace right away, and then write you a letter.
I feel sure this healing of Davie’s will bring other good to light. You have wanted to come out here to live for such a long time. It will be wonderful to have you here. You will find your house will have a good buyer and you can not lose on what it has cost you. Papa said not long ago he saw an ad where Boeing wanted engineers. Elmer will have no trouble in finding a job, I know. There is always room for you here, Helen. The baby will not bother Papa or me. He sleeps upstairs and does not hear the noise down here. We have plenty of room and we want you to come. Write often and let me know how everything is progressing. Insist on taking the baby home as soon as possible. And keep in close touch with Grace Auld. She is so faithful and is doing some wonderful work.
I will write again just as soon as your letter comes, which should be tomorrow afternoon. I am going down to Gladys’s Wednesday. She wants me to come down so we can just talk, about Davy, C. S., your coming and everything in general
I stopped at Ruth’s on my way to work this afternoon. She was giving Bernice a Toni. Belle was there too. Harold forgot to tell her where Bernice was, then she saw Flash at Ruth’s and felt sure Bernice must be there. I take it that she checks on Bernice every night after school.
It is midnight.
Love to you all, Mother.

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