Thursday, December 4, 2008

676 3/23/1951 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota
Friday, March 23, 1951
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
A nice letter came from you this afternoon. I have been bad about writing again but I’ve been doing a lot of reading for Davy. Those Highlights you sent me are just wonderful. I had Mrs. Reed stop working for Davy last week as I thought he was o.k. but he is definitely still yellow. Now that I am doing some serious reading I’m beginning to really understand Christian Science for the first time, although before I relied on it but that is all. Now what I read seems so clear to me and I feel that this demonstration is for me as well as Davy. I talk to him all the time he is awake and that keeps my mind active in the belief that he is all right. I can look at him and actually see him change from yellow to pure white but then I let myself go back and see him as yellow. It’s all in my mind I know. Elmer doesn’t notice it during the week because by the time he gets home from work the lights are on and then it doesn’t show up so much. Mrs. Reed called me today to see how everything was going and I said just fine. I will have her work for him again as soon as I think I should call her back but I’m confident that I can work this out myself because thinking back over the years I’ve done some pretty effective work myself and now I feel as though I am even more capable.
It has snowed again all day today. I had Gene come over this morning and stay with Davy while I went shopping. The kids are home this week for Easter vacation. Sunday I am having Bob and Delores over for a ham dinner. That might seem like a funny thing but I’m holding no grudges any more.
Jimmy and Davy didn’t get the chicken pox and according to the belief, yesterday was the day they were to come down with it.
Tomorrow morning I have to go out and buy some more chocolate Easter eggs. I bought them too early this year and have eaten them all by now.
By the way, did you ever get that other picture of Jimmy and Mary? I don’t remember that you mentioned it. I finally got Gladys’s suit and corset sent back to her. Saturdays have been the only days I have gotten out this winter and there were many Saturdays I couldn’t get out even then on account of the weather so I blame that on being so slow in getting things mailed. I got so behind in my ironing that last week I sent six shirts out to the laundry. They came back just beautifully done and for the first time in ages my ironing basket is absolutely empty. It cost a dollar and a half for six shirts but it certainly was a wonderful feeling to hand those dirty shirts to somebody else to do.
Last Monday night I went to the sewing club. It was at Joyce Praull’s house. Mayme was there and she had gone on a diet and had lost over 30 pounds and she looks just wonderful. I just couldn’t get over the change in her. She also had bought a new dress that fit her nice and she really looked good. She lost the weight just in the right places, around her hips and waist and her face didn’t get haggard and too thin. They were all peeved at Gerry Woodfull because she didn’t show up at club and didn’t call and five of the girls were planning on getting a ride home with her as they usually do so I took everyone home. It was a terrible night too and the brakes had frozen but they unfroze after I had driven about two blocks.
On the way over there I picked Frances Woodfull up and she told me she was pregnant again for the fifth time and she sure feels sick about it. She said she doesn’t see how she can possibly do all the work. She hasn’t told anyone else yet. Her three boys were less than two years apart and then she didn’t get pregnant for six years now these last two will be less than two years apart. She hopes it will be a girl. I’m going to give her my maternity dresses. The baby is due on Davy’s first birthday. Their aunt Alice was over there at Joyce’s that night too. We laughed about Hazel Monday night as Mayme told how when Hazel was here she told somebody or other that when they sent her a Christmas card they had to be sure and write a nice long letter with it and they were not to send her just a card with their names on it and she made such an issue over it that at Christmas time she got their card with a nice long letter enclosed and here she had forgotten to even send them a card.
Well Folks I will do better about writing from now on and I had better stop for now. I’m going to get the kids into bed and then do some more reading when it is quiet.
With Love, Helen
P.S. I told you Warnie brought me back a present from Japan. It is a large beautiful white silk scarf with hand painted designs on it. It is large enough to tie the opposite corners and wear as a blouse under my suit jacket. Jan is sending her two girls to a different Sunday school because it is closer to her house. I don’t see how she can do it because she talks Science to the little girls at home all the time and her mother sends her good articles from the Monitor and things like that and Jan really believes in it but I guess Warnie acted so terrible about their not going to Sunday school often enough that she decided to send them with the neighbor kids to a different one.

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