Tuesday, November 4, 2008

728 3/26/1942 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
Box 582 Newburyport, Massachusetts
Thursday, March 26, 1942
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Plum Island
Dear Folks,
Today I had a nice letter from you. I shouldn’t say a nice one because it was the one telling me about your accident. Gosh, mother, I hope you aren’t feeling any bad effects from all those bumps you got. That could have turned out to be just terrible so it is wonderful that it wasn’t any worse than it was. I can just imagine the feeling you must have had when you saw that other car was out of control. It must have been a terrible sensation when it hit you. That man had no business going so fast and it seems it is always that kind that are in no position to take care of someone else’s car. He must intend to do what is right though as long as he said he would. I hope it won’t be too long that you have to go without your car because you do enjoy your car so much and it is just a crime that this had to happen. It is lucky alright that your tires weren’t ruined because nothing could be done about that no matter how much he was willing to pay. I’m glad you weren’t hurt, Pop, and I certainly hope you will be alright, Mother. You probably are good and sore all over.
Tonight is our blackout and Elmer is fixing the flashlight. He has to put a piece of cardboard over the light and just make a little hole through the cardboard so he will be able to see something. Doris and I are going over to sit with Mrs. Walker. We were both over there this afternoon, too.
I wonder if you would be able to send the kids your gas card when the gas is rationed. It would certainly help them all right if you could do it.
No, I have decided to let these curtains downstairs go until I am sure if we are going to be here. They were dirty when we moved in and that is why I have been so anxious to have them washed. I think I can send them to the laundry though as wet wash because they are just plain heavy white material and I don’t think it would cost much but will find out. The skirt I made from Elmer’s pants is to wear after I have the baby. I measured it with another skirt of mine but made it a little larger and so far it looks just swell. Doris couldn’t get over it when I showed it to her because she didn’t think I would ever get a skirt made out of it. I hope it will fit all right since it looks good now. No, I don’t want that blue skirt I left there that I had made. It was too small for me so maybe it will fit Stella. Remember I left a few other things there for Stella that she may be able to wear. I left kind of a yellow dress there and just ran across the belt to it yesterday so will sent it to her.
Well Folks, Elmer has to go out now and deliver posters telling what to do in case of an air raid so I am going over to Ducret’s and he will come over there afterwards. I’ll end this now so it can be mailed in the morning. Since Elmer will be working in the office he won’t be going into town so I want to give this to George to take. Will be anxious to hear how you are feeling after the accident.
With Love, Helen

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