Friday, November 28, 2008

96 5/12/1947 Gladys Dahlstrom to Sadie Erwin

Gladys Dahlstrom
Route 3, Box 10, Shoreland Drive, Bellevue, Washington
Monday, May 12, 1947
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Mother:
Forgot to pay you for the Quarterly and also for the groceries that Pop had on the slip - oh well, we will be up next weekend. Plan to come up Friday night if we possibly can. Bensons will be up Saturday afternoon to stay for the weekend.
We feel very happy to have our cabin rented to such nice people and feel sure they will take it for another year from Oct 1st. We are also glad to know it is still ours.
I didn't wash today - had a big weekend and was tired. I just rested and took a long nap this afternoon. Also wrote a few letters. Cully helped me with the dishes tonight and now it is time to get my girls to bed.
Come down when you can. I'll try to be home next time.
Glad you have such a wonderful business only hope you are not too tired.
See you soon.
Love, Gladys

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