Sunday, November 30, 2008

135 9/4/1947 Gladys Dahlstrom to Sadie Erwin

Gladys Dahlstrom
Route 3, Box 10, Shoreland Drive, Bellevue, Washington
Thursday, September 04, 1947
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Mother,
Just a card and note to let you know we are thinking of you. You will get a little gift later.
We had sort of planned to go up after huckleberries this next Sunday but Jacobsons (our next door neighbors) have invited us to go on a cruise over the weekend. We will leave Saturday around noon and go to Hood's Canal for oysters and not come home until Sunday night. Another couple is going too so there will be 6 of us. The Jacobson's girls will take care of the youngsters - our two and two that belong to the other couple. We are thrilled to death and I know it will make us more anxious than ever for a boat.
I will be up next week for pears etc. - will either write a card or call you and let you know when.
Thanks for the dollar for Ruthie's birthday. I must write and thank Ruth too for the lovely scarf she gave her.
Suppose the kids are busy getting moved and settled. Hope Ruth will not work too hard. See you soon.
Love, Gladys
Happy Birthday

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