Sunday, November 23, 2008

604 5/30/1944 Sadie Erwin to Albert Erwin

Sadie Erwin
1414 Cole St., Lake Charles, Louisiana
Tuesday, May 30, 1944
Albert Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Albert,
This being a holiday, we did not get any mail today.
Helen is getting along just fine and the baby is real good. Helen is nursing her and will try to for the summer months. We both are anxious to get started for Tennessee. We will go to New Orleans, then follow the Gulf to Mobile, Alabama. Everyone tells us it is a beautiful drive. From there we will go north to Birmingham, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Knoxville. It is between 6 and 7 hundred miles from here.
Tonight after supper it thundered and lightening and sounded as though we would have a terrible storm. No rain fell, but must have somewhere for the storm past over. It was cooler for a while, but is plenty hot now. We put a diaper and a cotton nighty on the baby. That is all she has on night or day and no covers. We do not put her in the basket because it is too warm. Just lay her on the bed between four corner windows and let her get what air and breeze she can.
I hope Stella does not work too hard cleaning up the house. Sorry I had to leave it the way I did.
I worked for you several hours last night. Feel sure you are feeling much better now. When tempting thoughts come, say like Jesus did, “Get behind me Satan.” When you refuse to accept his suggestions that matter has sensations he will leave you alone. You do not live in matter. You live in mind. You control body with thoughts. The better the thoughts, the better the body. Thoughts of health and strength are true thoughts and cast out whatever is unlike the divine – until we know the truth clear enough we have to declare these truths for ourselves. Someday you will know it like you know 2 and 2 makes 4.
Sorry old George had to go on a drunk and miss work. Suppose he is back again long before now. Did you ever find those stamps I bought for you before I left? I do not seem to have them with me.
I want to read some before going to sleep. It is nearly eleven o’clock now. Will write again tomorrow. Tell Stella Helen and I will write to her this week. I am sure Bernice looks darling with her permanent. I’ll keep on working for you.
I’ll be coming home before so very long now. Helen says they worried so much before they knew I was really coming. To tell the truth I do not know how they could have managed without me. Elmer just could not have gone on the new job that is sure.
With love, Sadie.

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