Tuesday, November 4, 2008

727 3/25/1942 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
Box 582 Newburyport, Massachusetts
Wednesday, March 25, 1942
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Plum Island
Dear Folks,
Elmer has gone to the air raid meeting but expects to be home soon after nine o’clock. I was going over to Ducret’s but then decided I would rather stay home and write to you and get undressed early and sit around and read. Today I had a package from Glad and she had sent me a rubber sheet and some shirts and a dress and a pinning blanket so now I have everything I need. You and Stella sent me so much that I was really well supplied and what I was just going to order was a rubber sheet and a pinning blanket and then Glad sent me those. I have all those little blankets that Stella sent me too and I certainly appreciate everything I have.
I have had the darndest time getting to see the doctor. First I went Monday and there were eight ahead of me waiting so I left. Then yesterday afternoon I went again and went real early but there were still three ahead of me and just as it was getting to be my turn to see him he was called out on an emergency call for a little girl that had been run over so I didn’t get to see him. I hated to think of having to go in again today and sit around and wait for him so Elmer and I went in last night and I got to see him. He said he liked to see patients as far as long as I am looking so well. He said everything was just perfect and he said if he was a betting man he would bet on a boy because so far it has all the signs of a boy but he said of course not to plan on it. He said so many women at my stage look all tired out but that I looked just fine. I certainly feel good and seem to have so much ambition every day. I do get tired quickly so then I rest whenever I want to but I still get a lot done during the day and I sleep swell at night. I just can’t believe that the time is so close. The lining that I got for my bassinette doesn’t quite fit so Doris is coming over tomorrow afternoon and fix it for me. She and her littlest boy Louie were over this afternoon too. Her oldest boys have had the measles and they went back to school today but were sent home again because they have to stay out a whole week.
George Ducret has to go to Virginia in about two or three weeks and Elmer is supposed to go too but on account of the baby coming about then they are going to let him stay here. The work in Virginia will be for only about two months so Doris plans to stay here and keep their cottage. Where we would be in Virginia is in Ocean City which is a regular summer resort right on the ocean so going at this time it would cost a lot to get a place to live in so I am glad we won’t have to go. Elmer may have to go after the baby is born but it won’t matter so much then because he won’t have to be away so long and if he does have to go I will get someone to come and stay with me because I am still a big baby about being alone nights.
Tomorrow night is the blackout so Doris and I are invited over to Walker’s, their landlords, and Mrs. Walker has planned a nice lunch and I think we will have a nice time. Walkers have a big place right next to Ducret’s and they have a big basement and she is fixing it so they will be able to keep the lights on in the basement so the lights won’t show during the blackout. They rent out the rooms in their house so their living quarters are in their basement.
I had a nice letter from Jim yesterday. I had sent him a dollar in case they burned their meal and had to go out and eat but he said so far they hadn’t burned any meals. He said they have some swell fights though but always get over them.
I had a nice letter from Clara Jensen today and she said to hurry and answer because after the baby was here she knew I wouldn’t have much time to write letters. I will always find time to write to you folks though. I suppose I will have a boy since I would just soon have a girl but I really don’t care what it is just so it is all right in every way and I am getting anxious now to be thin again. The doctor said I shouldn’t gain any more weight now. At least not any more than five pounds. I have gained thirty pounds which is an awful lot but I was underweight before I got this way I know but I am going to try and lose some this month. I was surprised that I had gained so much but all my weight is right in my stomach and the rest of me doesn’t look any different.
Last night after coming from the doctor’s we stopped in at Ducret’s. Mr. Blakey and Esther were there. They had come over to see us but when we weren’t here they stopped over there. I invited them over here for Friday night and today told Doris and George to come to if they could so they will come over for awhile too since the oldest boys won’t have to go to school the next day they can stay awake and watch Louie.
I had fish chowder for supper tonight and it was real good. I like to have it because I can fix it in the morning and then forget about having to get supper that night and just warm the chowder up. Elmer has some work to do here in the office for a few days so will be coming home for lunch while he is working on the Island. It has been awfully nice here the last few days and seems to get nicer all the time. I sure hope we can stay here for the summer but of course can’t plan on a thing. Doris has a baby buggy so I am glad I didn’t order one because I can use hers when I want it this summer.
Today I washed out quite a few things and got them ironed tonight after supper. Tomorrow I have a few more things to wash. I am trying not to let work accumulate now because I know that I might be going before so very long. It should be almost a month yet but lots of times it happens sooner than the whole time. How much did Gladys weigh since she came two weeks early? I don’t know how I will ever know how to take care of a new baby but I suppose I will learn and some things will come natural. They better anyway.
How are things at the store, Pop. Was someone else hired to take Carl’s place. Probably not since this has been your slack season. I surely will be anxious for you folks to see the baby so as soon as I get it home I am going to have George Ducret take pictures of it. Mother, I want you to know that you and Stella have sent me practically everything I need. It certainly is swell to have all the things you sent. Doris is going to give me the powder set with oil and pins and all that. I hadn’t even thought of buying that stuff until she mentioned it. There seems to be a million things to think of. Well Folks I guess I will stop now because I want to write to Glad and Jim. I hope Glad and Cully will get out there before long. I bet you are anxious to see Ruthie too.
With Love, Helen

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