Sunday, November 30, 2008

155 4/5/1948 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota
Monday, April 05, 1948
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
I have to start supper in about ten minutes but thought I would hurry and write a few lines to you and tell you about Fanchon. She checked in at the hospital Thursday and Friday night we went down to see her. She went into surgery at 7:30 Friday morning and came out at 4:30 that afternoon. Aunt Ruth was with her and a friend had come along with Ruth. Ruth looks very good. Anyway Fanchon was in terrible pain. She has to be kept under several days as the pain is supposed to be terrible. When Elmer and I were there it was just about time for another dose so she was starting to moan and feel terrible. She has a tube up her nose and her back hurts her so much. She hasn't been fully conscious yet. However they say the operation has a chance of making her well. Ruth was staying at the Normandie as she wanted to be handy to the hospital. She went home Sunday as Fanchon was getting along o.k. I told her she must stay with me when she comes down to see Fanchon from now on. I know it costs a lot of money staying in hotels and having to eat all your meals out. I wonder who is paying for all the bills for Fanchon as it must cost an awful lot of money. They expect Fanchon to be here for about three weeks and then go back to the sanitarium where she will have to be for some time yet. Fanchon looked exactly the same I thought.
Saturday night Kenny and Johnny came over and we had a bridge game. It was lots of fun.
Oh yes the newest idea I got about our house is this. I decided (and Elmer agrees) that it is absolutely crazy to spend 550 dollars for carpeting and also a lot of furniture. Especially I don't plan to live here forever and Elmer is always interested in jobs around so we don't know how long we will be living here.
I just hate to go way in debt to furnish this house and then if we should move we wouldn't get anything for our furniture. Elmer has painted in here now, he finished last night, so Saturday he is going to get the sanding machine and sand the living and dining rooms and hall. The other floors are hardwood and are all taken care of. Then we will varnish these floors and I'll watch the ads in the paper and pick up some nice throw rugs and it will look real nice in here. I also decided I wouldn't even buy a new studio couch but will also watch the ads in the household items and buy a second-hand one. I'm going to buy everything second-hand. Nellie just bought some furniture second-hand and it looks just swell. There are too many things I need to try to keep up with the Joneses. Now today I bought my twin bedspread for the kid's rooms and four sheets, twin bed size, and I need so many things like that, and I want to come out there too and there are clothes to buy all the time.
Anyway I feel like we have just saved a lot of money by deciding against the carpeting right now at least.
Well Folks I have to stop and get busy. These Ducrets, from Boston, are moving to Minneapolis and I am so glad. George Ducret left today in the government truck and Doris will follow when he finds them a place to stay. I'm working on my room upstairs so it will be presentable for Aunt Ruth and others I want to invite to stay. Dolores spent the day with me today. We went over to Sears this afternoon and then I took her home. She expects her baby in June. More later folks, and I'll answer your last letter next time.
With Love, Helen
P.S. I made 100 dollars the month of March. Elmer wanted me to quit but when I figured out my bill all that money sounded so good that he's doing half my work for me now.

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