Monday, November 17, 2008

591 5/21/1944 Sadie Erwin to Albert Erwin

Sadie Erwin
In Transit
Sunday, May 21, 1944
Albert Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Saturday 10: A.M.
Dear Albert,
Have just had breakfast. Set the watch ahead one hour at Huntington, will soon be in Boise, Idaho. Am now in the Club Car and it certainly is nice.
The young lady that is with me came from Seattle and is going to Kansas City. She has the upper berth to mine all the way.
The meals are reasonable and the food good. Had a very nice sole dinner last night for 75¢. Breakfast for 50¢.
Slept real good, although I wakened several times. Would raise the curtains and look out at the blue mountains. The sky was full of stars. Have made up my mind that we are going to take a nice train trip somewhere after the war. When I get home we will start saving for it.
There are a lot of service men on the train, mostly soldiers. Was visiting with one from Puyallup last night. Another boy was from the Aleutian Islands. Had been up there 34 months. Was very glad to be back in the States. Is on his way to Oklahoma for more training, then overseas for him.
Am very glad I took a sleeper. The bed felt so good. I just lay and looked out of the window until I fell asleep. We went up the Columbia River. I watched the scenery until dark then went to bed about 9:30.Then when the stars came out I could see the countryside quite plainly.
More later. Do hope you are feeling perfect. Think and work for every so many times a day.
With love, Sadie.

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