Tuesday, December 2, 2008

202 1/17/1949 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota
Monday, January 17, 1949
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
A nice letter came from you today. I hope your weather has warmed up by now. It was only 4 above here all morning but warmed up in the afternoon. We are due for some cold weather so expect it anytime.
Sunday it was cold out but Elmer got the car started so I took the kids to Sunday school and met Frances Woodfill so we sat together in church. I'm planning to go to the gym class this Wednesday night. Frances invited me over to her house next Friday night to a family gathering, just women. There will be Ralph's wife, Marnie Praull, Joyce and Roberta and some others. I'm looking forward to it. I want to have Frances and her family, including Frank, over for Sunday night supper soon.
Dolores had her operation - part of an ovary and her appendix removed. First Florence had said she had everything removed but that was wrong.
Eden and Wally came over Saturday night. Clarence got the new Buick but will be buying it from Mrs. Pope. Eden said he couldn't afford it but none of them could and they hated to let it out of the family. Clarence may move back to Minneapolis as he isn't doing too well in Texas as a flying instructor. They are living with his wife's folks and supporting them as the father is an inventor but so far unsuccessful.
I was very surprised to hear Mrs. Pope was left with nothing. I thought Mr. Pope, being in insurance, probably carried a lot of insurance but Wally said he has had the heart trouble for the last ten years so hasn't been able to get insurance. The house is clear so that's all she has so plans to take in roomers and also is thinking of getting subscriptions for magazines. It's just impossible to believe she is forced to work because she thought she was quite superior to most everyone. I think she could get a better job than selling magazines, though. There are plenty of openings in the department stores for sales women.
Mrs. Carlson hasn't been herself since moving over here. She sure is in a mess over at her new house. She raves about how she hates Carlson. I agree with her about everything she says about him. However, after reading this article in the Sentinel last night I've decided to quit hating. Isn't this article good? I read it to Elmer and he said he had already read it and thought it was really good. Elmer reads all the C. S. literature I get and he always thinks the articles are wonderful. He would like to subscribe to the Monitor. So far I just bring a copy home from church, so I must order it right away.
We are gong to celebrate my birthday and our anniversary the following Saturday night by having a party. It's our 9th anniversary. Seems impossible.
Florence will never make it up with her husband because they haven't spoken for at least four years. Every once in a while he goes on a rampage and takes a knife after her but so far has snapped out of it before touching her. Oh yes, here is the payoff. Our telephone is a party line but so far nobody else has been on our line and you can guess now who is - Carlsons. Oh I'm so mad about it I have put my application in for a private line but will have to wait quite some time for it. Grandma Carlson listens to all my telephone conversations and dials and bangs her phone around while I'm on the line. Yesterday I was talking to Muriel Corl. She is a neighbor of Florence's husband's brother. The brother of Art's and his wife are getting a divorce and Muriel was telling me all about it. After we hung up I picked up the phone to call some one and grandma was all ready on the phone repeating the conversation to Florence. The paper I had with the pink sweet peas was given to me by grandma at Christmas. I thought it was pretty too but it's all used up now. I would love to start my sterling. I'll have to start looking at patterns. What pattern did Stella get?
Well Folks everyone is in bed but me so guess I better stop as I want to read a little. I fell asleep in church Sunday. Have you ever gone through that misery of trying to stay awake in church? In the first place we played bridge over at Recroft's Friday night and got home about one. Saturday night, then, Eden and Wally were over and I made coffee at midnight but we sat so long at the table and talked about the funeral and everything that it was quarter to two before they left. Frances didn't even notice I fell asleep, though. It must have been for just a second but made me wake up anyway.
Did you know Fanchon is home for good now. I am so glad for her. Ruth found still another apartment. Four rooms, right on Main Street in Waseca, just a block from the stores so it is very convenient for her.
Jimmy is doing fine in skating. He hasn't been real recently but I have promised to take him tomorrow.
I had a letter from Stella today - no it was yesterday. By both of your letters it sounds as though Harold likes the new territory well enough to take it over. What will they do about a house. I suppose, for a while, Harold will just come home weekends, or do they have plans by now. More later Folks.
Love, Helen

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