Wednesday, November 12, 2008

544 2/7/1944 Jim Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Jim Erwin
Lakeland Field, Lakeland, Florida
Monday, February 07, 1944
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
Nothing new has happened. Still unloading equipment and laying around. Tomorrow we are supposed to get our tool kits.
Since there aren’t any hangars on the field, those that work in sub. depots haven’t anything to do. The latest rumor is that we will go to McDill Field in Tampa. It’s only 35 miles away.
Today is very hot again. The nights are plenty cool though so don’t have any trouble sleeping. We do have a nice day room though. Play ping pong most of the time.
They only run one bus an hour into town so guess they don’t want the fellows to go in very bad. A notice was just posted that 40 men could go into town if they wanted to. Don’t know whether to or not. You’ll find out in my next letter.
I just saw on the bulletin board that I’m on K.P. Thursday too. Knew I was about due, so am not surprised.
It will be swell if they send us to Tampa. That would be a better deal. We will probably all live, though, even if they decide to keep us here.
My uniform is all wrinkled and dirty from the trip so guess there isn’t any point on planning to go in anyway.
The nights have been so chilly they gave us comforters today. We really need them too.
Oh yes – send my income forms here and the adjutant said he would help me with them. Send all data concerned too.
With love, Jim

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