Tuesday, November 25, 2008

32 8/26/1944 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
382 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Saturday, August 26, 1944
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Sat. Morn. 10:30 A.M.
Dear Folks,
I just put Mary back to bed and am not going to do much work today so hope to get some letters written. For the past week or so we have been having nice fall days so I think our hot weather is gone. I hope so, although considering the cool nights and mornings all summer I don't think the weather has been bad.
Last night we had the Deans and Turners over, who are also from Lake Charles. Elmer and Mr. Turner played chess while the Deans and Mrs. Turner and I played bridge. I had cake and coffee for lunch. The Deans have moved to a flat top up on the hill where we drove that night, Mom. The flat top is much better for them because they have the automatic hot water heater where they didn't at the other place. Since Olney is getting paid by the month he doesn't have to work overtime. Remember the buildings down by the cafeteria where a grocery store was to be? Well that isn't open yet but the drug store is and it is really nice. They have ice cream in there and everything. The barber shop is also open. It is nice having it so close to us.
I don't see how Glad and Cully can go out and leave their children sleeping, even for a short time I wouldn't think of doing such a thing. We aren't too keen about even leaving them with Mary Frances. Mary was three months old this week and it doesn't seem possible. These chilly days I can dress her up so cute with booties and sweaters and Jimmie says, "doesn't she look darling." When she is awake she just sits in her basket with the pillow in back of her and watches and talks and laughs. I just can't get over having such a good baby as Jimmie never slept and needed attention all the time, at least I thought he did. Did I ever mention the tennis ball you sent with the frog? Anyway he plays with it all the time.
Tomorrow is Sunday school again and Jimmie talks about it all the time. Last Sunday there were two teachers.
You know I was thinking about the best present you could send Jim for Christmas would be a picture of you folks. I think that would be a wonderful present for all of us.
I'm anxious to hear about Bob Jenson and his wife. I wonder if she went on the picnic.
I never did ask Lucia Hollister if she wanted to go to church with me but really should as they don't have a car.
Remember the Hartmans, who came up that Sunday we were hurrying to get started. Well they just had a baby boy and are quite sure they will be coming up here but Mr. Hartman is coming up first for an interview. I don't plan on seeing much of them if they do come.
Monday afternoon I am going to play bridge at Irma Madres house. Probably my last fling as school will soon be starting. I'll meet several new ladies as Irma lives in East Village and goes around with a different crowd. We live in West Village, you probably remember.
Have you run across the picture of Jeannie and Ruthie yet? The big picture Glad sent me of Jeannie I have in a frame hanging up on the wall in Mary's room and it looks so cute. Will Mrs. Magnuson keep on living at the same place now that her husband is gone. Maybe she will get married again. Giles Smith better watch out.
I am teaching Jimmie that little prayer we all said. He likes it and memorizes so quickly. He keeps saying tell me that again so I do and then he tries it. He'll know it pretty soon. When he is playing with Doug, and when Doug gets hurt Jimmie always tells him to say, "go away Lie." I guess Doug just thinks that is some of Jimmie's baby talk though.
I think using the fig jam for oatmeal cookies is a swell idea. I'm glad you told me how to do it.
It is so cloudy out I'm sure it will rain so my clothes probably won't get dry. It is even chilly out so I have some of the windows closed. I ordered an end table for the living room from Sears and it adds so much to the room.
Well folks, I want to get letters written to Glad and Jim this morning so had better stop. Tell Stella I haven't forgotten about her.
Love, Helen

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