Monday, October 20, 2008

814 4/9/1921 Hilda Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Hilda Erwin
Waseca, Minnesota
Saturday, April 09, 1921
Sadie Erwin
2221 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota

Waseca, Minnesota
April 9, 1921
Dear Sadie,
I am going to answer your nice long letter we received some time ago and was surely glad to hear from you. Mother Erwin has been with us two weeks now. Been waiting for a case downtown. A long wait too. They asked to have her for the 15th of March and about the first of May she has a case in St. Peter, Mrs. Gilbertson-Williams(?), you have heard them speak of her. And some time this summer Mary expects the stork again.
It’s too bad Verna didn’t keep on going to school, but must be a great relief to you.
Carl has good working hours now – from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and works every 4th Sunday.
At last I’ve got at my blue silk, nearly have it finished and bought a black and white silk for a dress yesterday. Some of these days I expect to get all my sewing done.
The girls are going to school every day and growing, I expect. Lloyd has been home since Tuesday noon, but will go back to school Monday morning. The county nurse sent him home. Had just a little sore throat, but they are afraid of scarlet fever. A few cases in town.
Bill and Mary have moved again, living about three miles N. W. from here, straight west from the place they lived on last summer. Have a very small house, 16 by 22, two rooms and a side entry downstairs and three small rooms upstairs. Ruth is staying with Mary and at times Mary doesn’t feel very well. Then there is an old man working there, been there about a month working for his board. But this week he is giving him 25 cents a day. Expect the old gentleman wants tobacco and a few cents.
Mother Erwin is busy cutting out quill pieces. She certainly has a lot of them.
Will close hoping to hear from you soon.
Love to all. Hilda.

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