Wednesday, October 29, 2008

388 3/1/1939 Sadie Erwin to Helen Erwin

Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Wednesday, March 01, 1939
Helen Erwin
5201 28th Ave South, Minneapolis, Minnesota

My dear Helen,
Your letter sent Monday was here waiting for me when Stella and I got home from Tacoma yesterday.
We had a nice trip in. Mrs. Jacobs took care of the baby. I got a new grey coat with a rose color facing and a rose color hat. Will wear blue shoes, gloves and purse with them. I wore my new outfit to the Garden Club this afternoon. Everyone thought my coat very good looking. I really like it a lot. It cost 20.00 and I can have 3 months to pay for it.
Papa, Harold and Stella went to the basketball game last night. Jim made a basket and they feel Jim is going to make a very good player. Papa says he does fine now and is fast.
I took care of Bernice. She would not go to sleep but wanted me to hold her and play with her so I did not get to write you girls last night.
This morning I drove up to Silver Creek with a message that had come to the store for one of the Rangers up there. The wires were down so they could not telephone him. I went alone but did not mind it. It was raining down here but after getting to the top of Ingles Hill I ran into a snowstorm. It kept getting worse the further I went. I could not see our cabin from the highway on account of the banks of snow piled so high from the snow plow. It was snowing so hard in some places the windshield swipe could hardly clear a place fast enough for me to see to drive. It did not seem cold enough for the heater and everything looked very lovely out. This man’s uncle had died down in Oregon and they wanted to know if he could come right away.
Jim turned out for the operetta tonight and got a part opposite Ruth Crings.
Those meters came for Jim yesterday. He thinks they are going to be swell.
I bet you are tired of the cold weather. I read you had more snow there again.
Yes, Hazel does seem to be happy. He is a hard worker and she has plenty to eat at least.
Stella is just sewing on dresses. I am trying to help her shorten and mend – nothing new. She bought a cute wash shally dress in Tacoma for 1.49 that looks real nice on her.
I’ll enclose the letter I had from Gladys Monday. She does not write as often as you do to us but guess she is kept pretty busy.
Marion Harris she mentions in her letter is a girl that use to live across the alley from us in Minneapolis when Gladys was little. She, Gladys and Muriel Swager played together. She was married just before we moved back west in 1935. Her mother died 10 years ago and her father had married again.
Mrs. Ellsworth wrote me she had heard from Mrs. Wood that Marion had been killed in an auto accident. Her name was Choppel. Do you recall of reading of such an accident? It must have happened since Mrs. E. left Minneapolis.
It is late so I must get to bed. We had our monthly Board meeting tonight so I did not get home from church until after ten.
Many thanks for the Hike-O-Meters.
Much love, Mother

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