Saturday, October 25, 2008

313 2/23/1937 Helen Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Helen Erwin
1912 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Tuesday, February 23, 1937
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
We got out at noon today because yesterday being Washington’s Birthday no mail was picked up so we didn’t have anything to do.
I’m glad Miss Maginus takes such an interest in Jimmie. He certainly is going places out there. It’s nice you got your basketball, Jimmie.
Sunday we all went bowling again. I like it a lot.
I wish the people out there that kick about your cold weather could spend one day here and they would never mention cold weather there again. It was 6 above today but a 21 mile an hour icy wind. It is supposed to be colder tomorrow.
Gladys and Cully have gone to the hockey game. Elmer is coming over. Selma is up at Eden’s and we all have been running back and forth all evening.
I hope Woodfills will consider having a passenger this summer on their trip out there because I want a ride. I have to call them up and find out all about it.
Chuck Burns, a boy here we know, went out to Seattle to work. He was there about 2 months but couldn’t stick it out any longer. I talked to him Saturday night and he said since he got back so many different kids have told him about my good-looking sister out there and he’s sorry he didn’t have your address.
Dorothy Cochrane is coming over tomorrow night. I haven’t seen her since Eden’s shower last June.
When her anniversary comes around this year we are all going out and Eden and I are going to wear our dresses we had for the wedding.
Eden is still working. She only makes 8 dollars a week but is glad to get that.
Viola was over last night. Dick King doesn’t call her any more and she never has anything to do. She is certainly looking forward to next summer. I am too.
I wish you folks would come and see our apartment.
Well I better stop but I’ll write more this week than I did last week. I was so tired all the time last week that I couldn’t do anything. Everyone seemed to be. I guess it was the weather. I am going to start reading the lecture you sent before Elmer comes.
Love, Helen

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