Thursday, November 27, 2008

50 6/8/1946 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
Box 281, Sparta Pike, Lebanon, Tennessee
Saturday, June 08, 1946
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
Elmer just left for work so I'll write to you. I just realized yesterday that your anniversary is tomorrow. It will be thirty five years that you have been married won't it? I'm sorry I didn't think of it sooner so I could have at least sent you a card but I hope you had a happy one.
My pictures finally came yesterday and I am so disappointed in them. Mary looks cute but Jimmie looks so terrible I hate to send the pictures to anyone but will since I have them. Jimmie is squinting and his hair looks terrible. It is so ragged and the photographer had said they could touch his hair up but they didn't do a thing to it. Mary is very sober as she had just gotten up from her nap.
I told you how Mr. Rawlins across the street wanted to talk to us. Well he came over Monday night. He just wanted to gossip about Mrs. Jackson and the other people around here but Elmer told him we weren't interested in hearing anything at all about the people around here. He didn't like that very well. Elmer told him that he didn't care what people around here thought about us. Then he went over to Cook's the next night but they wouldn't listen to him either. The people along here just don't have enough to do so like to talk about everyone.
Tuesday night we went into Nashville to the Shrine Circus. I hadn't seen one in years so enjoyed it. Mary and Jimmie liked it but got pretty tired toward the last.
My ham still hasn't come but they expect it any time. Meat is getting pretty scarce isn't it. They save me bread at the store but we don't eat so much of it. We like rolls just as well and can usually get them. I had a letter from Glad the other day. Her place surely sounds wonderful. She said they felt settled for the first time since they have been married. We still aren't settled and I wonder where it will be when we do settle down. Elmer thinks we might be here for a couple of years. Mr. Setley figured out how much he had made so far this year and said if things kept on this way the rest of the year, at ten percent, Elmer's bonus would be around two thousand dollars so it is worth staying for. They are so busy and can get nails now and have plenty to do. Elmer will be glad when his exam is over. He is so rusty on several things he is worried about it but I'm sure he will pass it. It costs 25 dollars and if they don't pass they only get ten back.
How is Jim getting along. Does he go out much with any girls? I'm so glad you have the store for your sake and his too. He isn't going back to school is he?
It's chilly out this morning and sure feels good after the hot weather. Poor Mary, is fat and she gets so hot but I pin her hair up on her head and try to keep her cool. She and Jimmie have been sleeping so late in the mornings I can get most of my work done before they wake up.
Is your car running all right now. Ours is always in the garage for some little thing or other. Some one is always stopping and wanting to buy it but I don't know why. We have outgrown our car with Mary and Jimmie so big. I wish I could think of something to fix for seats in the back of the front seats and then they could sit back there.
Well Folks I guess I'll have my second cup of coffee and then get busy. I'll send the pictures today. I'll send Stella's with yours but I really hate to mail them out.
Goodbye for now Folks.
Love, Helen

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