Saturday, November 29, 2008

110 7/18/1947 Gladys Dahlstrom to Sadie Erwin

Gladys Dahlstrom
Route 3, Box 10, Shoreland Drive, Bellevue, Washington
Friday, July 18, 1947
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Mother,
I still wish we could manage to have a good visit one of these months.
I was just thinking about what you told me in regard to Louie wanting you to buy the store or make you out a 10 year lease. I sincerely believe that you should pray for guidance - really do a lot of good mental work before making any decision. That guy is a slicker and is looking after Louie's interest 100%. In the first place the selling price is outrageous - and I can see no reason for extending the lease at this time unless it would free you to sell your business to whoever you please - and if you would really consider that soon. Who knows what you will want to do several years from now. You still have 4 years on this lease. Times may change a lot. Perhaps rents will be cheaper - or even business not so good. At any rate you have 4 more years left to decide whether or not you want the store longer than that. He would like to assure himself of top rent for a long period - and could hold you to it even if you decided to go "out of business" if you signed such a lease. Unless you'd like to sell out soon I'd certainly not consider extending the lease at least for another couple of years. You can tell a whole lot better then how things are and what you want to do. If the prices do go down and you wanted to sell later - no one would buy if they had to pay too high rent. Before you do anything talk to a lawyer in drawing up the plans so that you get a fair deal. It should not all be in his favor.
Have Jim call me Tuesday when he comes in. Ask him to check with Stella on when they are coming down - then he can tell me. I haven't heard from George or the other folks so maybe we will have a quiet weekend. Cully passed his test so is now a real estate broker.
I meant to tell you I enjoyed Ruth's visit very much and hope she will come down again soon.
Love to all, Gladys.

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