Saturday, October 25, 2008

318 4/4/1938 Gladys Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Gladys Erwin
General Delivery, Tacoma, Washington
Monday, April 04, 1938
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Mother:
I’m writing Beryl a card tonight to tell her we won’t be in Saturday. I’ll say that perhaps we can make it later.
I left my stockings home but I don’t need them so don’t send them.
I’m enclosing clippings about Cully. Save them for me.
I got a wire this morning. He’ll play at Toronto Tuesday and Thursday and back to Chicago Sunday night.
Sears hasn’t the right kind of table. I’ll look around other places. I know I can get one cheap if it isn’t painted.
Zelda leaves in the morning. She has lots of food in the house this time.
Roberta had a real nice time and thinks all of you folks just swell. She told her mother how nice and polite Jim was too.
I’ve been getting along swell at the office. I’m glad as long as I plan to stay all month.
Roberta will be staying with me while Zelda is gone.
I’ll be looking for you and Jim Saturday. We will have fun, do a little shopping and go home early.
I must write to Vi and Beryl so will stop.
Don’t work too hard.
Love, Gladys

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