Sunday, November 30, 2008

122 9/26/1947 Gladys Dahlstrom to Sadie Erwin

Gladys Dahlstrom
Route 3, Box 10, Shoreland Drive, Bellevue, Washington
Friday, September 26, 1947
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Mother,
I meant to ask you yesterday if Pop could get us some baloons. The P.T.A. here is having a Halloween Carnival October 21st and needs a bunch of them. They would like to get 7 inch ones and do better than $4.80 per 144. I'm on the darn committee to get the booths ready so thought I'd ask you folks before looking around elsewhere. I'll have to find out later just how many they will need. They are looking for everything wholesale, of course.
Hope you got to the store in time yesterday. I surely enjoyed the day with you and hope we can do something again soon. Please come down to see us when you can - all of you.
Just drop me a card to let me know what, if anything, you can do about the baloons. Guess you spell it balloons (?). I don't know.
Love, Gladys
Mother: - I also meant to tell you that if you do decide to not buy an oil burning stove ( I wish you would though) that Elizabeth Tanner may have her heater for sale. It is a dandy and she is getting a new oil stove soon. You might ask Beth about it. An oil heater would certainly be a time-saver for you - also could be turned down low and kept going all night when it gets cold. No ashes to have either but you know best what you want. Elizabeth's heater is good size and nice looking.
See you soon.
Love, Gladys

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