Wednesday, October 29, 2008

369 12/18/1938 Sadie Erwin to Helen Carlson

Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Sunday, December 18, 1938
Helen Carlson
5201 28th Ave South, Minneapolis, Minnesota

My dear Girls,
Hope you get the package we sent Friday in due time.
A package from each of you came yesterday. Helen, I put some holly in your box so open it up and take it out to be used or given away as you want to do.
We got your holly sent, Gladys, on Thursday so you should have it by Monday.
Today after church we had a Board meeting. Now I’ll have to write letters to all the members before Wednesday. Still have a lot of greetings to get written tomorrow. After all this is taken care of I’ll try to write better letters to you girls.
Cliff Swain bought his new girl a diamond ring. Mrs. Swain likes this girl better than she did Donna so should be happy over this engagement.
The kids got a lot of skating in all the week but today the ice began to melt so they had to give it up. Jim was up there for a while but got wet. Papa and I went with Harold after our tree. We got a real nice one. The cookbook came, Helen. Thank you. I want to pay you whatever it cost you.
During our frosty weather here the fog has been terrible down in the valley. Friday night Tacoma reported 60 accidents in only a few hour’s time. Last Sunday when Duchateau’s took us to the show we saw Wallace Beery in “Stable Mates”. It was very good. In it was a scene of the ocean and it looked just like the beach at Moclips, Helen, where we were last summer. It looked so natural Papa and I wanted to go right down there again.
Mrs. Jacobs bought baby Bernice a pink knit suit with cap. She looks just darling in it. Bernice Allen wishes you girls could see her.
Tomorrow night the Scout’s mothers are given a surprise Christmas party for them after their meeting. Mae Eagan and I are to furnish the cocoa. Suppose we will make it too.
I am forwarding a letter to each of you that came yesterday from Seattle. I am not trying to answer your letters tonight but will when I write again. We are all so tired out tonight we want to get to bed before midnight. Jim was out to see Vivian last night. Got home at 1 A.M. Much love,

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