Monday, November 17, 2008

584 5/12/1944 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
1414 Cole St., Lake Charles, Louisiana
Friday, May 12, 1944
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
Elmer left Wednesday night and was to arrive this afternoon so I expect a telegram either tonight or tomorrow as he is going to send me one. The day after he left Gillard’s bought a nice big refrigerator for the apartment and it certainly is wonderful to have after using the old icebox. The iceman didn’t come half the time so Elmer would have to go after it at night and he was wondering how I would manage after he left.
The doctor said I could travel three weeks after the baby comes so I certainly hope it isn’t late now. I have some things to have fixed on the car and got the choke fixed today which was the biggest thing. Now I have to have the horn fixed and the brakes adjusted. I think we will have a nice trip to Tennessee providing the heat doesn’t get us down. We will be traveling in one of the hottest months in the hottest part of the south. However, as slowly as we want to and stop for the night whenever we feel like it.
There won’t be any Kellogg men left here after June 1st so I really would be alone then if you weren’t here. Kellogg expects to have a couple of big jobs starting in the fall and they seem to be finding places now for the men they want to keep. Someone said the days in Tennessee get hot but the nights are always cool.
Jessie is coming over Saturday night to spend the night. I hope I can come home from the hospital right away. I’m pretty sure of getting a colored girl to do the diapers and housework.
Everyone is afraid I’ll be sitting up here having pains that I’ve had so much company I haven’t had time to keep my work done up. It makes the time go fast though to be busy. I’m glad you’re getting along so nicely Pop and hope you will get along alright without Mother.
Love, Helen

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