Wednesday, November 26, 2008

60 3/29/1945 Robert A Carlson to Helen Carlson

Robert A Carlson
In Italy
Thursday, March 29, 1945
Helen Carlson
382 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Dear Helen & Elmer,
Received your letter Helen, the one you told me about the cake you baked - and was glad to hear. Believe me I'll remember that the next time I go to an open house or something.
Just came back from a U.S.O. show they had in a small theatre near here. D'Artaga and his all girl orchestra. They had a small blond singer who looked plenty smooth with a black, strapless gown. She looked exactly like something Varga had drawn up. And what' more, she could sing too!
We've got a bar open for us 'enlisted men' where they sell cognac, gin and rum (all Italian stock). Got drunk a couple nights when they first opened but now I haven't been down for a week.
The news sure sounds good and I should know better than to get all enthused, but I can't help it. I'd give plenty to know what they're gonna do with us when this war here is over with. Spring is here for sure and I was never so glad to see a winter pass.
Been writing to an old girl-friend back in Minneapolis off and on ever since coming over-seas and the last letter I got was a killer. She finally confessed that she has been married for 3 years and has a baby a year and a half old. Before that she had sent me her picture and whew! some of the letters. But I got the last laugh cause she never got as much as a picture from me. We sure got a kick out of that letter though and what a beating I took from a couple guys here that I told about it. Ah yes - live and learn. In my estimation women aren't the poor innocents they used to be.
We get all he cigarettes we want to and I sure wish I could send you some, but it's against regulations.
Well, 2 pages is good for me, so I'll close for now.

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