Thursday, November 6, 2008

822 1/31/1943 Ruth Close Johnson to Sadie Erwin

Ruth Close Johnson
Route 4, Randall, Minnesota
Sunday, January 31, 1943
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Aunt Sadie,
I hope you'll pardon me for being so slow in writing, but with three little boys they keep me plenty busy. I received the lovely gift you sent for the baby and many, many thanks. It was just what he needed most and they both fit so nicely on him. But you surely surprised me. My boys are Erwood, soon 6, Warren 3 1/2 and Dwayne - 2 months. All are nice and husky too - thanks to Science. We hear so little from you folks. I wish Stella would write sometime. I've never heard any of the girl's married names. Your grandchildren sort of run to girls don't they? Well Ellsworth was the 1st to have a girl in our family.
Verna and her man are moving back to Swanville in the spring. His Dad bought them a farm about 3 miles from the folks. I guess they liked it quite well down around Garden City. I imagine Agnes's man soon will be released from the army as he is over 38 years. So she will be happy. How is Jimmie coming with the army. My it will be grand when all of it is over with.
My husband's folks have been with us the greater part of the winter. We surely are getting the snow this winter. We had a couple weeks of pretty snappy weather as low as 34° below but has been around 34° above the last two days.
We remodeled our house this summer and it surely makes a difference in heating this winter.
When do you plan on coming back to Minnesota to visit. I sort of remember a letter you wrote a year ago this xmas. You mentioned about coming back. I wish you could. You would see quite a change in everything back here.
Last summer we went to Brainerd to the Science Church a few times. Verna went with us when she was here. It's quite a ways to go but enjoyed it. Wish there was one closer to us.
We were down to Violet's to a card party last night. Her family is quite grown up already.
Does the rationing affect you very much out there. I've heard food is getting rather scarce and high out there. My husband has two brothers out in Spokane, also their families, but I guess that is quite a ways from you isn't it.
Please write sometime and thanks again for the booties and bonnet.
With love and best wishes, Ruth

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