Tuesday, October 21, 2008

798 10/2/1928 Lilly Hoey to Gladys Erwin

Lilly Hoey
Seattle, Washington
Tuesday, October 02, 1928
Gladys Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Gladys, Helen and Stella,
Just a line. You may know how surprised we were when we received a letter from your mother written somewhere in Montana on their way to Minneapolis. How long do they expect to be gone? I take it from your mother's letter they left very suddenly and you girls are keeping house. Will try and come up to see you soon. Hope you are getting along all right. I know you girls will think it was nice for your folks to be able to go. If I can help you any way let me know. It surely did rain down here yesterday but is very nice today. Well, I must close. Let us hear from you.
With love, Lilly.

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