Sunday, November 23, 2008

608 6/1/1944 Sadie Erwin to Albert Erwin

Sadie Erwin
1414 Cole St., Lake Charles, Louisiana
Thursday, June 01, 1944
Albert Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Albert,
Helen and the children are in bed, but not asleep. I feel real tired tonight. The day has been hot and there has been lots to do.
I went down to the store this afternoon to shop and to mail some letters. On the box it said the mail would not be picked up until noon tomorrow so I walked on down to the post office, at least seven long blocks further. I was gone so long Helen began to wonder what had happened to me.
Your letter written Sunday came this morning. I had a letter from Gladys yesterday. Said they had stopped at the Guyon Thursday evening and had gotten my wire telling them of the baby’s arrival. They had not found a house yet and were staying with Al and Eve Sporrers.
A couple stopped in this evening to tell Helen that the man had gotten a wire from Knoxville to come for an interview. He is an engineer here and worked with Elmer here and also at Monroe. Everyone is trying to line up a job. They can go to work for City Service, but it does not pay the wages they have been getting.
Elmer is on the reservation and will have to get passes for Helen and me so we can go there to live.
As soon as Helen can go to town I will go and see about my reservations home from Kansas City. Can not do much about the other until I get to Knoxville.
So Swains sold their store. I think Carl and George were smart not to take it over. I won’t care now if I ever go in there to trade. Wonder what Cliff will do.
Be sure to see that I get the canning sugar in June. So glad to hear we will have a lot of fruit on our trees. Find out if I can send my sugar stamp or will have to send the book. I just can’t miss out on getting it. Helen says it is good for 15 lbs of sugar.
I’ll keep on working for you. Glad to hear you say you were getting along fine although you do feel tired when you come home. Take a good rest evenings and do not do more than you have to.
The cabin will seem wonderful to me after all this heat.
Will read some and then try to sleep.
With love, Sadie.
P.S. Harold must be good at cribbage to beat you 4 games.

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