Saturday, October 25, 2008

741 4/20/1937 Albert Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Albert Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Tuesday, April 20, 1937
Sadie Erwin
1912 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn.

Dear Folks,
Letter of the 18th received today. That’s making good time. Didn’t you know that the folks were to meet at Ruth’s. I’m glad that you had a nice time.
Jim and I like to see that it won’t be long before you start for home. I suppose that you will pick Hazel up at Clare City on your way home. Do you expect to get an early start from Frank’s. Your roads should be free from snow on the return trip.
Mr. Abe Knutson (works at the creamery) wants to know all about the trip. He and family are driving back this summer. His folks live up at Princeton or something. He is the fellow that called and wanted to talk to Al.
It certainly is ok with me to have Addie come here. Things will look nicer just about the time you leave there.
We had more rain. Today Jim got all wet coming home this evening.
Jack Janacek quit today. He is going to work nights at the mill. He wants to earn money so that he can go on to school.
Last night I opened a can of whole clams, dumped them into your big mixing bowl, then put in cracker crumbs, butter, salt and pepper and made it up into patties and fried in buttered pan. Boy it was swell. Jim nearly busted, so did I. This evening we had hamburger and fried onions. We haven’t reduced at all. We didn’t get milk this morning. We had three quarts left over. The grocery bill is $26.00.
I bought a pair of pants today for $3.50 at Jensen’s.
Jim is at the show again. This evening’s double feature. It’s after 10 so he should be here any minute now.
All Hess was in this evening. He has lost over 30 lbs. He is going down to the ocean to live. He thinks he may be gone for several months. He can’t keep anything on his stomach. He says that he thinks that he will change practitioners. I told him that I thought that was ok. He says that Miss Auld didn’t seem to help him at all. He can’t stay around here because everyone says oh yes it is the T. B.
I have watered the plants so they are ok except the one you got from J. Slott.
Jim spoke his piece at the Odd Fellows hall last night. I guess he put it over ok. He will give it again Wednesday evening at the Kiwanis banquet and Mrs. Jacobs asked him if he would go with them to the Old Soldier’s home at Orting next Sunday. The Gross girl said her lines last night also.
I talked with Mrs. Bullis down at the store Saturday. She said you certainly kept awful quiet about your trip. She said that if it had been her that was going away she would have let everyone in town know about it.
Some lady asked me today about my folks. She is leaving by train a week from tomorrow to visit her daughter in Chicago and then to her old home in Missouri. She hasn’t been back for 30 years. I don’t know who she is.
Does Eden feel bad about her job. I suppose you will drop Hazel off in Seattle on your way home.
I noticed mother robin sitting on her nest this evening.
Well I will close now and finish in the morning.
April 21
Just a few lines. It is cold and raining 35 degrees above. Jim has so many things to do at school today that he didn’t see how he can do them all. A week from today you will be on your way.
Love to all, Pop

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