Wednesday, November 12, 2008

531 1/24/1944 Jim Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Jim Erwin
Barksdale Field, Louisiana
Monday, January 24, 1944
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
Got my three day pass Thursday noon and took off for Lake Charles. Spent three nice days with Helen.
I was smart in getting my pass because last night when I got back everybody was all excited and running around. We are leaving Thursday. Our tool kits and extra equipment are all being packed. All men have been released from work to help packing.
We are leaving Thursday night. The bulletin board says 10 o’clock which will make it midnight.
The latest rumor finds us ending up in Florida as previously planned.
Our weather has been beautiful both here and at Lake Charles.
One afternoon I laid out in Helen’s back yard on a blanket. Helen is supposed to move into her new place next week. She sure wanted me to be able to get back there. Have been plenty lucky to get down so often anyway.
If you have sent the instrument it will be sent on.
I’ll write or perhaps call when we get there.
Should add a couple of states.
Are to wear overcoats and wool gloves so might be going north.
With love, Jim

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