Wednesday, October 29, 2008

368 12/14/1938 Sadie Erwin to Helen Erwin

Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Wednesday, December 14, 1938
Helen Erwin
5201 28th Ave South, Minneapolis, Minnesota

My dear Girls,
I am going to use a carbon again tonight as I want to write to each of you.
Papa and I just got home from church. Had to walk both ways as we let Jim have the car to go up to McCoy’s pond to skate. He skated last night too but the weatherman promises warm weather so it won’t last long. It is about 30° here tonight and feels too cold to suit me. I froze all the way home from church.
Jimmie has out-grown his skates but by wearing thin socks he can stand the shoes for a little while, then takes them off to rest his feet. Next winter he plans to buy new ones. Last winter they did not skate. The pond froze over once but was so full of snow it was too rough to skate on.
A nice letter came from you today, Helen, and one from Gladys yesterday. I have been working hard to get Christmas greetings written and packages wrapped. Do not want to leave everything until the last minute.
Sunday we are going after our tree. Wish you both could be here.
Stella and the baby were here today. I went downtown with them too. They are coming here for Christmas dinner.
I enjoyed the Progressive Club luncheon yesterday. I got a cute little china dish for a gift. It was given in the basement of the Presbyterian Church.
My watch runs perfectly, Gladys, since you told me how to fix it. Am so glad to have it.
Jimmie got a blue slip today in Geometry. He plays basketball every night until 5:30 and then there have been so many outside interests. We will have to help him cut down on something. We want him to pass.
Stella said to have you be sure to send Bernice Allen a greeting, Gladys, for she is sending you one. We will make inquiries about cabins for you later. I am sure you can get one. We will have ___ to use if you want it.
Yes, the ___ seem very happy. Mrs. Schweigle called me tonight. Kenney had seen Cully’s name in the Star. It said he was just recovering from the flu.
Will now finish this with pen. The pictures of Cully and Gladys came Monday. They look nice even if the faces are not so clear in one. I know they will mean a lot to Gladys. Thanks a lot for sending them but let Stella pay you for them. She saved by sending them to you. Bell wanted 2.00 for enlarging them.
I am sending you a package tomorrow. In it I have the little spoon and a gift for Wally and Eden. Not much but a little gift. They have been nice to you and sometime I want to send Eden a wedding present, which I have never done.
Jimmie has come. It is eleven o’clock. Said there were lots of folks up there skating tonight. The ice is broken in some places so with the weather warming up it will be the last of the skating unless it turns cold again. The ice was only about 1 ½ inches thick. Well I’ll answer your today’s letters when I write again. Must get Jimmie to bed now.
Much love, Mother.

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