Tuesday, November 4, 2008

433 2/28/1942 Sadie Erwin to Helen Carlson

Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Saturday, February 28, 1942
Helen Carlson
Box 582 Newburyport, Massachusetts

My dear Helen,
This will be just a note. Had a nice letter from you yesterday telling about Bob’s visit. Am sure it meant a lot to him to come and also to Elmer to have him come. I know you too were glad to see him.
I’ll not try to answer your letter now. Want to wrap some clothes to mail Jimmie, and it is getting near mail time.
Papa has to go to a defense meeting tomorrow afternoon. I want to get some letters written while he is gone.
The kids are going to the show tonight at 7. I am taking care of Sandra. She is a good little girl so will enjoy having her here. Stella said she hoped she would sleep. I told her I hoped she didn’t. Really want to get acquainted with her. Seems to me she is always sleeping when I go over there or when she comes here.
I had a big washing for Jimmie this week. Hope to have more time next week to write letters.
Will get a package mailed to you Monday. Will include a handkerchief you left here and the typewriter ribbon.
It has been raining today so will take the car downtown. Am glad your tire was not burned.
Much love to you both.
Some day I hope to write you a letter when not in such a hurry. Mom.

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