Wednesday, December 3, 2008

236 5/27/1949 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota
Friday, May 27, 1949
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Friday Afternoon (Late)
Dear Folks:
I should be starting supper but just got home and found your letter in the mailbox so decided to feed the family bacon and eggs tonight and sit down and write to you right now. I have practically wasted the whole day although I did have my washing out by ten o'clock this morning. Doris Ducret had called yesterday and told me to come over to her house as soon as I finished up this morning so I hurried and did my washing and then my neighbor called and asked me down for coffee so I ran down there and stayed until eleven o'clock. When I got home the phone was ringing and it was Doris wondering why I wasn't over yet and I told her I was just leaving so Mary and I hurried into some clean clothes and dashed over to Doris's house which is a good five miles from my place. We had lunch though and a nice afternoon and I just got home.
Doris is always so glad to see me though because she doesn't know anybody else in the city very well and she says it's always like seeing someone from home when she sees me. George is out of town on a job so I told Doris to come over tomorrow with Louie and spend the day. Her sixteen year old boy is always busy with something or other so he is never home. I was very surprised to hear the Dahlstroms are coming out this summer. She hasn't said a word about it to me. I talk to her quite often on the phone and she always says no, they won't be able to go out again this summer. We got our private line in two days ago. Grandma C. will certainly miss hearing my telephone conversations.
I want to thank you right now for the birthday presents you sent Mary. We were both delighted to see all those socks and she surely can use them. Both of the children are going to be good size when they grow up. Mary is getting so tall now that I just can't believe it. You'll be surprised when you see them.
I stopped over to Selma's yesterday as I took the tricycle to the repair shop and it is near Selma's house. Selma looked worse than I ever did when I was so thin. She is just terribly thin and has brown spots all over her face and looks just terrible and feels terrible. I hadn't seen her for a few weeks and just couldn't get over it. Her house which is usually immaculate was just a mess so I dug in and cleaned up her kitchen for her and then entertained the baby for her so she could do some other things. I really felt sorry for her and Al has her making curtains and even pillows for the cottages he bought and he is no help to her at all. People may have funny ways but when they are down I feel sorry for them and want to help them. I brought three dresses of hers home to shorten for her. She loaned me a good book to read and I sat up until 1:30 this morning reading it until I finished it. I brought it over to Doris's to read and she'll finish it this weekend and then I can get it back to Selma.
Last night we went over to Lake Harriet for our picnic supper with Eden and Wally and their girls. We had an awfully good time. Wally and Eden are moving to Anoka this weekend. Leila describes Mrs. Pope exactly. I've wondered who Mrs. Pope reminded me of and now I know. I feel awfully sorry for Mrs. Ellsworth and hope she doesn't stay with Leila. I want to call both her and Mrs. Dahlstrom in a few minutes. I hate to call Mrs. Dahlstrom because although she tries to be nice she is always telling me how much she does for Gladys and wants to know what I have sent them lately and when I say nothing, she can't understand it.
Sunday we are going on a picnic with the Martins and Corls and Monday, being a holiday, we plan to take to kids to Excelsior.
Our grass is getting so pretty. It is almost high enough to mow now. I just called Dahlstroms and talked to Wally as Mrs. Dahlstrom wasn't home. Wally said he thought they would come out there about the last of August. I bet Gladys isn't too overjoyed about that. I will drop Mrs. Martel a note. She won't be in town long enough to do the things I had planned but we will make the most of the time. I must stop and get my clothes in.
I just felt a run in my stocking so had to call Elmer just now and tell him to stop in Dayton's and bring me home a couple pair. These are the hose I bought when I sent you yours for Mother's Day, Mother. I hope you have better luck with yours.
Will stop for now but thanks for the socks and I will be seeing you before long.
With Love, Helen

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