Sunday, November 23, 2008

617 6/12/1944 Albert Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Albert Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington
Monday, June 12, 1944
Sadie Erwin
Box 1310, Knoxville, Tennessee

Dear Sadie,
Received your letter of the 8th today. I was very glad to get it. You say you haven’t had a letter for several days, well I haven’t mailed one every day but I have written quite a few. By this time you no doubt have received one telling of the Dahlstrom new home and giving their address. Received another letter from Gladys today. I will enclose it.
I didn’t feel so good today but still think that there was some improvement. I was quite tired. I didn’t sleep well last night, so should have a good sleep tonight.
It seems funny to read about it being so warm down there. I built two fires as soon as I got home this evening. I brought my week’s dirty clothes over to Stella’s yesterday and now have them washed and ironed and put away in the drawers.
The colored ladies must be making too much money. They don’t want to do washing any more. I bet the 1st thing you do will be to go up to the cabin for a week to rest. Although it will seem cool enough here in Enumclaw.
Well the invasion has been on for a week and still no word from Jim. I sent him another bunch of funnies today.
Russell Thompson is worried about their Jim, his outfit was the first one to land in the invasion.
Tuesday evening I have dinner at Carl Gertsen’s and Wednesday at Fran Jensen’s. Mrs. Jensen called this evening and invited me for tomorrow evening but changed it to Wednesday evening.
At work Mr. Brown is still sick. Bert Watt is away on account of a convention in Spokane. I think he will be gone all week. Tony and I are getting caught up with our work, but may have more clamped on us any time.
I signed up for a $100.00 bond today. I will buy it Friday or Saturday and then have them take out $12.50 a week starting July 1st.
I hope you can get berth reservations. I know that Helen will hate to see you go but I will be glad to hear from you from Portland and shall be glad to meet you at the depot at Tacoma.
Mrs. Jensen got a letter from you today. She says you were leaving Lake Charles Sunday, yesterday.
Going to bed now. Will try and mail in morning.
Love, Pop
Tuesday evening
Well as you see I didn’t get the letter mailed this morning.
I just got back from Gertsen’s, we had a very nice dinner.
The only mail this evening was a letter from Mrs. Zilliax. I will mail it to you in another envelope. I also got a telegram from Jim. He says letters sent, but no word from us for some time. I have written him twice and I suppose you have written some. We will have to double up on the writing.
I wasn’t in very good shape when I came home, but got busy on it and got by this evening in fine shape. I get sort of mixed up sometimes on account of having to work on the problem so much, but on the other hand when I am all ok I forget how I came to be ok so I know that when I can do the right kind of thinking all the time I won’t have any more trouble.
Well if you folks left Sunday you should be with Elmer now. I hope you got through without any trouble.
It’s nine o’clock so I must stop and mail this letter and get to bed.
Hope that Helen and the children stood the trip ok.
Love to you all, Pop

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