Sunday, November 30, 2008

166 6/10/1948 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota
Thursday, June 10, 1948
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
I just put Mary in the tub and Jimmy is still outside playing so I will write to you now. I had your letter today and was glad to hear from you. I like your cute paper Mother. I know how busy you folks must be at the store this time of the year. I am glad your business is going so good.
Last night I had three girls from the office over for dinner. Everything turned out so it tasted good and we had a nice evening. Elmer works until nine on Wednesday nights so didn't get home until 9:30 and then we took the girls up to their car lines.
This afternoon Jimmy and Mary and I walked over to see Vivian Fernstrom. They don't live far from us. Russ and Viv have four children and a big house so Viv has plenty to keep her busy.
Saturday night Elmer and I are invited over to Eva Olson's house.
I had promised to take the kids over to Como Park today but the car decided not to start so we couldn't go. Instead then I played baseball with them all morning so they had a good time after all. After we got tired of playing ball I read stories to them. There were about five kids in all.
The day after I wrote telling you I still hadn't received the picture of the baby, it came. He is just darling. He looks like Jim all right and I think he looks like Ruth too. Did I tell you that Elmer thinks he looks just like our Jimmy. Others think so too. He certainly is a smart little kid to pull himself around the way he does. I sure wish I could get out there this summer and see all of you, but I really don't think I will be able to as all our money so far has had to go into furniture or something. I just got my drapes last week and they look so nice and certainly add a lot to the rooms. They are just the paper drapes but they certainly look like real ones. They will be fine at least for the summer and maybe later I will get better ones.
Those are wonderful dish towels you sent me, Mother, as they are so big. Dolores's mother gave me a big stack of flour sacks to be hemmer so one of these days I will do that and then I will have a good supply of dish towels.
I think I told you George went to the Black Hills last week. I had a card from him yesterday. He will be gone quite a while this time. Ray Recroft, the one from Atlanta, went with George. Ruth Recroft had a dessert bridge this last Tuesday. It was very nice and I met a lot of new people. I'm having another bridge party next week. Now I am getting tired of entertaining so I think I will start sewing. I still don't have a sewing machine but I can make Mary little sun suits by hand.
The mother and father of a girl I had just met were here from Tacoma last week. I met them and had a nice talk with them. They think Washington is the only place to live and I agreed with them. They have a married daughter in North Bend and this one here in Minneapolis, and a daughter also living in Tacoma. They knew Enumclaw as they go up to the mountain a lot, she said.
The kids are still going to Sunday school but have missed a few Sundays lately although we went last Sunday but I didn't see Rose. They love to go and I really feel terrible when they have to miss just because I don't get up in time to get them and myself ready. I have promised them they won't have to miss for that reason any more.
Well Folks I had better get Jimmy in and get Mary washed so he can get into the tub. I will write more soon and I hope you are both fine.
With Love, Helen

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