Monday, October 27, 2008

342 10/3/1938 Helen Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Helen Erwin
1912 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Monday, October 03, 1938
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
Yesterday was Stella and Harold’s first wedding anniversary. Did they go up to the cabin with you folks? I wish I had sent the kids a wedding present but it didn’t even dawn on me that it was their anniversary until you mentioned it in your letter.
What has Jimmy decided to do about football. Is he going to turn out for it. I hope your cold is better now mother. Mine is almost gone now.
Yesterday I went over to Elmer’s house and he studied for a while in the afternoon and in the evening we went to the La Salle and saw Robin Hood. That is a good show. Tonight I go to school and am going to stay downtown and eat because I have to study and it takes too much time to go to the apartment. Eden and Wally looked at houses yesterday and found one they like a lot for 30 a month. I saw it too and it is an awfully cute house but it is way out on 54th and 28th Ave. So. They don’t know if they can get it yet but that really is a long way out so I don’t know if I would move with them or not.
Mother, what would Pop like for his birthday. I would like to get him something he wants.
This Jean that I had planned to move in with is the roommate of the girl that Warnie took out. I am glad I didn’t move over there.
We are having swell fall weather. I bet it is nice out there too. Last year at this time I was out there.
I haven’t heard anything more about Mr. Bush since I talked to Mrs. Bush but I hope he is better. Did you write to her mother.
Gladys and Cully are going to move in a week from today. Elmer’s brother-in-law is going to move them in because Elmer doesn’t get home from school until late. He has solid classes from 8:30 to 5:30 so has to do all his studying at night.
I still like night school. I should be through in January but after that I’ll take advanced shorthand. That’s just practice in getting speed while taking dictation.
Eden’s baby slept all night last night. I am so anxious to see the pictures of Bernice. I am going to have the films developed this noon and will send the pictures but will keep the negatives a while longer because I want another set made too. I still haven’t answered some of your letters but tonight when I get home from school I am going to get them all together and read them over again.
Tell Stella when she finds time to write to me. I know she is awfully busy though.
Well I had better stop because I want to go over to the post office and also take the films in to be developed.
With Love, Helen

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