Sunday, November 23, 2008

614 6/8/1944 Sadie Erwin to Albert Erwin

Sadie Erwin
1414 Cole St., Lake Charles, Louisiana
Thursday, June 08, 1944
Albert Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Albert,
The mailman just came. Still no letter from you. Hope you are alright.
Helen has gone after boxes. It is up to me to do the packing and hardly know where to begin. The weather is so hot night and day that it takes all the pep out of me.
Monday the colored girl did not show up so I did a big washing on the board. Every day there is the baby wash and several suits for Jimmie.
Tuesday morning soon after midnight bells rang and rang. Then radios came on all over the neighborhood. We soon realized the invasion had started.
Tuesday night some friends came and took us for a lovely ride out to the country club and a beautiful big lake. We then went to their home for cool drinks before coming on home.
Last night we drove out to the wash woman’s home to see if she would wash some things for us. She had given up washing, but as a special favor she took the bundle and will have the things ready Saturday. We then went to the lake here in town, but a storm came up so we hurried home. Got here just as it started to rain.
I must try to write Mrs. Jensen tonight. There are so many I should write to. Perhaps after we reach Knoxville I’ll have a chance to write a few cards. Mrs. Ellsworth wrote and invited me to visit her on my way home. Must write and tell her I’ll not be returning through Texarkana.
If you address mail to me in care of E. A. Carlson, Box 1310, Knoxville 8, Tennessee, I will get it. Do not send any mail after the 21st for I plan to leave the 26th and we are out 40 miles from town. I’ll call you the evening of June 30th from Portland.
The baby is growing like everything. She is a nice baby.
Have not heard anything more from Gladys. Hope they found a place they like.
With love, Sadie.

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