Tuesday, October 21, 2008

699 10/1/1928 Sadie Erwin to Helen Erwin

Sadie Erwin
2206 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Monday, October 01, 1928
Helen Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Girls,
I did not get to write yesterday so will get right at it this morning.
The porter did not understand that we wanted to get off at Humboldt Ave., so he took us way downtown Saturday night. We took the street car and came out to Mrs. Truax’s. Mr. T. came to the door and oh, how surprised they were. We stayed only a few minutes, left our baggage, then caught the bus for Glen Lake. We walked from there to Swager’s. When we got there the house was crowded – not any of the old gang, which was a disappointment. They knew us alright and Mrs. Swager let a yell out of her that you could hear for a mile. She is as noisy as ever. The crowd left about 1 A.M. Then we sat up and talked until 3 A.M. Irene is a big fatty but very nice looking. Murial looks nice. About your height, Gladys, and weighs 130 lbs.
I went to Glen Lake to church and Sunday school with Mrs. Swager and Irene yesterday. Jimmie and Muriel stayed home and got dinner for us. Papa and Mr. Swager went someplace to sell insurance. Met us after Sunday school and took us home. We had a fine dinner Muriel had gotten. Then we went to the Poor Farm at Hopkins to see Mrs. Ganyaw. She was awfully glad to see us. Swagers wanted us to stay there last night. We came in this morning with Mr. Swager. Early this morning I was homesick for you girls and felt like hurrying right home to see you all. Soon after we got here this morning your letters came and we all enjoyed them so much. I was so glad to hear from you girls and to hear you so cheerful about it all.
I called Mrs. Woodfill a little while ago and she was so surprised. She is coming after us tomorrow. Then will take us to see Mrs. Johnson while we are with her. We plan to go to Waseca Thursday morning to see Grandma. Write here until this next Saturday morning. Then Sunday send a letter to Swanville, R. R. 3 c/o Frank Close. Anything later will not reach us before we leave for home.
Papa is going downtown as soon as I finish this letter. I will stay with Mrs. Truax today and tonight.
Have tried to get Mrs. Ellsworth but am afraid she is out of town. A week ago today Charity buried her little boy. He was only sick a few days.
We love it here and if anything comes up in the line of a good job, Papa will take it and you may be sure I’ll tell you right away. Everybody looks the same and not much older.
Will George be willing to meet us on a Sunday? Let me know, then we will plan to reach Auburn Sunday Oct. 14, and I will let you know just what time.
Now don’t work too hard. I think 96 a fine grade Gladys.
Jimmie certainly liked the letters Helen and Stella wrote. Said to say, “Hello girls.”
Will write tomorrow.
With much love to each on from us all – Mamma.

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