Monday, November 17, 2008

775 5/22/1944 Albert Erwin to Sadie Erwin

Albert Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington
Monday, May 22, 1944
Sadie Erwin
1414 Cole St., Lake Charles, Louisiana

Dear Sadie, also Jimmie and Helen,
Received two letters from you to day and was very glad to get them. By having a tourist ticket you were allowed in the club car. I am glad that you have been having some good meals, also that you are feeling fine and enjoy the company of the lady in the upper berth. Mr. Brown says that K.C. has a great big depot and a swell restaurant in it.
I mailed a V-letter to Jim just before 5 PM this evening. I bought 6 6¢ airmail and 8 8¢ airmail stamps (1.00), a small loaf of bread and a bar of L.B. soap. I had my pork steaks this evening. They were good but hardly anything on them. I boiled several spuds so that I would have some to fry. When my steak was done I cut up and fried 3 onions and mixed them with my potatoes. Very good. Then I had tea and cookies and sauce and bread and butter. I thought it was a good meal. Well now about myself. I felt that I had quite a good day. My right hip joint hurt and part of the time my left ankle and my left arm wants to stay at my side again although it isn't ___ for me at all. The bottoms of my feet went very bad today. I got off the bus this evening in better shape than ever.
I don't know if I can explain it but up to this time I have told how I was all ok when I could hardly keep going. Today it seemed that no one thought much about it when I limped some. I worked on it as much as I could and sometimes I felt better. I don't know if you can make anything out of this and I suppose that I am all wet. I didn't eat until after seven, went downtown after mail soon as I got home and then bought my two items. We got quite a lot of mail. Letter from Gladys. They arrived Minneapolis 11:30 PM Thursday. Pauline Matz graduation notice and a little letter from Mary.
Card from Gertrude. Jack Thim wanting Jim's address. Their address is 1317 Kaine Ave, Berkeley 2, California and one from the Mother Church (a bill) or notice of membership dues, also received the Monitor and Journal.
It was cold here Saturday night, yesterday and today. Quite a bit of hail here and new snow on the hills back of town this morning. A lot of plums on our tree. And cherries and I think there will be a lot of pears. I had dinner at the Benson's Sunday.
I read two sections of the lesson this morning and will try and do the same tomorrow morning.
Well it is after eight and the fire is about out so I will stop now.
Love to all, Pop.
4:45 PM 5/23
Just got home. The bottoms of my feet were very sore today, my hip didn't bother, and my ankle some of the time. My shoulder is still bad.
It has been a cold rainy day. Hope you got a sleeper from K.C. to Lake Charles.
Stella just called and invited me over for supper but I said I would clean up things here.
Well I will try and help myself and I know you are working for me. If you were here I would feel so bad for myself that I wouldn't go to work so it will all be ok.
Say hello to Helen and Jimmie.
Love, Pop.

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