Monday, November 17, 2008

592 5/22/1944 Sadie Erwin to Albert Erwin

Sadie Erwin
Kansas City, Missouri
Monday, May 22, 1944
Albert Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Kansas City, Missouri
Dear Albert,
We arrived here about on time this morning. There was a young wife with baby on the train last night. She is going to Alexandria, Louisiana to her soldier husband. Se asked me to help her from the train to the depot and it looks as though I’ll have her with me all day. She leaves on the same train as I do tonight.
It rained hard most of the night. Kansas looks some greener than it did the August I visited Winnifred.
It is real warm today. There is a beautiful memorial park in front of the depot.
The eleven hours waiting here is a long time. I tried to get a standard sleeper out of here, but I’d have to buy another ticket for 21.00 to Shreveport and pay for berths besides.
Last night I did not get much sleep. There were six babies in the coach.
I should reach Helen’s tomorrow night. Hope everything is fine at home.
With love, Sadie.

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