Thursday, November 27, 2008

91 9/23/1946 Gladys Dahlstrom to Sadie Erwin

Gladys Dahlstrom
Route 3, Box 10, Shoreland Drive, Bellevue, Washington
Monday, September 23, 1946
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Mother:
Forgot to ask you about your stove. Do you know if you will be using it or not? We have a chance to buy another heater but first want to know what chance we have of getting yours. Please write or send word with Jim if he is coming soon. Also have him bring me 10# potatoes and some soda crackers. Could use some carrots and lettuce and small cabbage.
We are going to Tacoma next Sunday so will not be coming up. Come down to see us whenever you can.
Love, Gladys

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