Sunday, November 9, 2008

492 5/21/1943 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
401 Alexander, Monroe, Louisiana
Friday, May 21, 1943
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
I just put Jimmie to bed and he is getting to be so good about it. By keeping him up until eight he is so sleepy I just put him in bed and stand there awhile and then he goes to sleep. Before he goes to sleep though he keeps opening his eyes to see if I’m still there and as long as he knows I am he doesn’t mind.
I think it is just wonderful you have the mortgage all paid off from your house now. You folks are really fixed up nicely now with your new car all paid for and everything.
We had a letter from Bob today sent airmail but it was written over a month ago. He had just gotten out of the hospital and said he was back in the fighting again, and he sounded so tired of it. He said he didn’t see how they could ever get the Germans out of Africa but since then they have been cleaned out. He received the Purple Heart and had sent it home. He said if we ever heard anyone griping about not getting enough meat because the soldiers were getting it all to sock them one for him. He mentioned Nellie’s husband, that is Elmer’s oldest sister, joining the army as a second Lieutenant. He said he certainly hoped he didn’t go into the army unless he had to. Her husband was in the army at Fort Snelling about five years ago and has always wanted to get in again when we went to war but they have never mentioned it to us and I don’t see how Nellie and her three children could get along if he does go.
Jessie Dunbar is back in Lake Charles and Dunbar is in the army now. His name heads the blacklist for men who can never work for the Kellogg Company or any government job again. Jessie is hoping we will be sent to Lake Charles and I like her so if we go it will be nice seeing her again. Sarah and Herb left for Wyoming yesterday and that job is supposed to last about six months so we will probably see them again on some other job.
Elmer is asleep on the studio couch. Last night we went to a party for Sarah and Herb but got home before twelve. Elmer gets out of work at five now so we eat before six and that makes a much longer evening. I will be glad when we hear when we are supposed to leave and for where but still I hope it won’t be very soon because I like it here but as long as I know we have to go I’m anxious to find out when it will be.
This typewriter isn’t working so good tonight and now I remember I had to chase Jimmie away from it today so he must have done something to it. He is beginning to eat regular foods better now. Tonight he ate some potatoes and beets and peas besides his milk. It is fun having him eat with us now that Elmer gets home earlier.
Would Glad like the little jumping canvas chair for Jean. I’ll send it and she can probably use it before long. I have one trunk all packed ready to ship if we don’t have room for it. I have my blankets and all the woolen things in it and a lot of moth balls and it is packed so full it looks like the sides will burst but it is tin so I don’t think they will. Herb Fackler went all over town looking for a trunk but everyone just laughed at him because I guess they are impossible to get anymore.
Well Folks, I’m going to write to Stella and Glad now so will stop for this time. Tomorrow night the company is giving their last dance but we haven’t decided yet if we will go or not but have already asked Mrs. Wilson to come over and stay with Jimmie so we have to go someplace. Mrs. Wilson is just swell and we have her now instead of Mrs. Craig. Will write more later Folks.
With Love, Helen

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