Tuesday, November 4, 2008

718 3/5/1942 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
Box 582 Newburyport, Massachusetts
Thursday, March 05, 1942
Sadie Erwin
1120 Cole St., Enumclaw, Washington

Plum Island
Dear Folks,
I had a nice letter from you today so will answer it now. When I hear things about Cliff Swain it just makes me boil. It is funny that his folks can’t see through him a little. I think it is awful that the men have to work for someone like him. I am glad Bernice had a girl since he expected a boy. I really hope mine is a girl but won’t be disappointed whatever it is just so it is all right in every way. I had a letter from Jim yesterday and he said I didn’t have to worry about naming it either Jim or Bob because I would no doubt be naming it Roberta. I guess he doesn’t think the Erwins can have boys and maybe he is right but we shall see before long. What did Cliff say to Carl. Did he call him something awful or what caused the fight. It wouldn’t do any good to tell Swains how Cliff acts because I suppose he is such a good liar they believe everything he says. Well Cliff will have to pay for his actions sometime.
We hadn’t seen Bob since a year ago last February. We were in Minneapolis at the time, getting ready to go to Laurel, Maryland. And he had to leave for camp just before we did, and we hadn’t seen him since, until he came to visit us. He wouldn’t have been in the army yet even, since he would have had to register in this last draft, but he had joined the National Guard in Minneapolis just so he would get the dollar a week they paid for going down to drill one night a week. He didn’t know then that it would take him right into the army.
I wonder how long Mrs. Dahlstrom will be staying in Chicago. I bet Gladys will be glad when she leaves anyway.
I am so glad to hear that I probably won’t be needing more than a dozen diapers a day. We had a letter from Florence today and she said the same thing and I already feel as though a lot of work has been done away with. I must have misunderstood Doris when she said 36 diapers.
Today was our warmest yet, just like summer so I walked all along the beach and picked up shells and found a starfish and brought that back with me. It was still alive so I carried it back on a stick and have it drying up now. Bob Ducret came over with his monopoly game this afternoon and we played monopoly for a couple of hours until I got tired of it, so we quit and I baked a cake and it turned out good. Tomorrow night we are going over to Ducret’s for a fish chowder supper.
Mother, in a new magazine of mine it had one of those Homes and Flower books advertised that the coca cola company gives away. It is volume 3 and I am sending for it for you. If you already happen to have it, it is alright but I know you wished you had had volume one I think it was when I was there.
I got my pictures today and will send you a copy right away. I will take them in Saturday to have some more finished.
Well Folks, I guess I will stop again for this time but will write more tomorrow. I hope Cully will be playing in Boston the 10th so we can see him again. I wrote to Gladys last night and asked her about it. Goodbye for now.
With Love, Helen

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