Monday, November 17, 2008

582 5/8/1944 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
1414 Cole St., Lake Charles, Louisiana
Monday, May 08, 1944
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks,
Jimmie and I just got up from a nice nap so I’ll write to you now. Elmer is leaving Wednesday night and will get to New Orleans the next morning and then he changes to a train for Knoxville. It is about 700 miles from here. Tuesday is his last day at work so he will have Wednesday at home and leave that night. I’ll be anxious to know if you leave Sunday, Mom. You will probably take that streamliner from Minneapolis to Kansas City. Wait over in Minneapolis if necessary for reservations. If you had time would you bring Jimmie one of the old dolls around there. He just loves them and it doesn’t matter how battered up it is. I think he would like Pearl or Ruthie on account of the eyes.
After Elmer leaves I am going to get my packing pretty well done, except for things I use and will need. I have the winter things packed away and feel like that is a big job done. I hope I can travel two or three weeks after the baby comes. New Orleans is a little out of the way but it would be fun to go that way. Otherwise we would go through Monroe. We can plan the trip when you get here. One disadvantage is that it will be pretty hot out then.
Tonight we are invited over to some friend’s house so I want to have dinner all ready when Elmer comes. Everyone I know has been swell about offering to help me out if I need it while I’m alone.
I better stop now and start dinner. My neighbor lady has taken Jimmie over to the park. We call the baby Tommy all the time so I guess it better be a boy. Jimmie is still going to throw sand on him and pull his hair but if he has as little hair as Jimmie had I won’t have to worry.
I certainly hope you’re feeling good now, Pop, and mother don’t leave him unless you feel perfectly right about it. We both need you but if Pop isn’t well he needs you most.
Love, Helen
A letter just came from you, Pop. Mom try to get the Pullman reservations out of Kansas City. From Shreveport on is day coach. I hope I can meet you in DeQuincy, although I have a feeling this baby will come early. More later.
Love, Helen

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