Wednesday, December 3, 2008

254 7/5/1950 Helen Carlson to Sadie Erwin

Helen Carlson
4008 Randall Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 16, Minnesota
Wednesday, July 05, 1950
Sadie Erwin
Box 44, Enumclaw, Washington

Dear Folks:
I bet you had a long busy weekend. We were busy here but not with anything special. Sunday I had Kenny and Johnny Hinch over for supper and we played bridge afterwards. Friday night we played cards with Corls and Martins. Yesterday, the 4th, we were invited out to Eden and Wally's for a picnic supper. We went out to Anoka in the afternoon. Mrs. Pope was there and looked and acted very nice. Wally's folks were there and also Alvin Pope and his wife. We came back to town early enough to see the fireworks. We didn't go to Powderhorn this year as St. Louis Park was having a celebration. However, their fireworks display didn't turn out so good as they didn't set the works off far enough away from the crowd and it all came down on us and men with fire extinguishers were running all over. Most of the crowd, including us, got away from there in a hurry.
Saturday I stopped into Carlson's to see how Elmer's mother was and before I even got to the yard I could hear her screaming and making just terrible sounds. I was afraid to go in but I didn't know if she was alone or not so I did go in and Mr. Carlson was there. He said there was no way of stopping her but I patted her arm and told her she was alright and rubbed her forehead and she stopped. Her eyes were just rolling. I've never seen anything like it. Elmer said she has done that as long as he can remember and he said when he and his sisters and brother were little it scared the life out of them. They really have had a horrible life because she used to be like this all the time. I wonder if she is better today.
Our weather is cool most of the time so for yesterday we had to wear sweaters and it was cold at night. We've had just a few hot days. We'll be getting that 100° weather yet, though.
I had a letter from Doris and George Ducret, our friends in Portland, this weekend. Next weekend they are going to ride down to Seattle and they want to try and stop by your place to meet you. They wouldn't be staying at all but just probably stop in the store a minute. I hope they will find you because they are awfully good friends and it would be nice if they met you.
Will stop for now Folks and am sorry I have been so slow in writing.
Love, Helen

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